Update on Kingdom Come

I know that is maybe common to not have updates for a long time, but why is the shop still not up yet? I mean it’s something that they need as soon as possible to continue to raise money and to add the stretch goals. Updates like those are already more then exciting. They don’t have to show anything about the game until the alpha release but come on…

And errors like: OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Mar 14, 2014 2:17pm. The current time is Mar 15, 2014 7:34am. should not happen. It gives the feeling they are chillaxing on the pile of money they received


I’m not concerned - I imagine they’ve got their noses to the grindstone, though a simple ‘hard at work!’ update wouldn’t hurt.

Yeah, this isn’t a good look, especially as it’s on the front page of the website. Not exactly reassuring to new people looking to back.

This is actually pretty standard for Kickstarter projects - there’ll be a blitz of updates during the campaign, but after it’s ended, you’ll get one a month at most. It can be hard to adjust, yeah, but it’s because the devs are busy making the game rather than promoting it. The only thing that really surprises me is that they haven’t opened the Paypal store yet.

This is a pretty advanced site in web development terms. I know they’re using discourse for the forum but I don’t recognize the main page design, so it’s possible that it’s entirely self made.

The session expiration error refers to the embedding of shared content from warhorse’s facebook page. Just in the case that anyone of you wonders what he/she’s missing out on. :wink:

If you think they’re ‘chillaxing’, you should probably try yourself on debugging a website of this quality, let alone a game. :smile:

Cheers to the guy or gal who’s tailoring this site.

Well, I’ve backed a few, it’s getting to be an addiction… :blush:

But in that case, I was talking about Satellite Reign. It’s a “spiritual successor” (i.e. a sequel without the legal naming rights) to the old Syndicate games. They did a total of 5 updates since the end of the KS back in July, and the last one was more than a month back. The content of each update was pretty anemic, too… one or two concept drawings. Their Web site looked dead. Then all of a sudden, this pops out of nowhere:

So obviously, they’ve been really busy behind the scenes… they just haven’t been very energetic about showing their work as they go. Each studio apparently has a different philosophy about what to share and when. Star Citizen has really spoiled me, points of contact occurring on an almost hourly basis (no exaggeration, if you count all the forum posts made every day by animators, writers, artists, and designers).

Yeah, tell me about it. :smile:

Satellite Reign looks nice, didn’t see it when the campaign was going on. It’s so easy to miss good projects, but so far I’ve managed to get on board of any kickstarter that I wouldn’t have forgiven myself to miss. Except maybe Wasteland 2, but at least I’ll get a key for it with my Tides of Torment pledge.

€dit: I’ve opened a thread to talk about other kickstarters, because I feel I have a bad habit of hijacking other threads. :wink:

I like when they update it every month. What I don’t really like, because I’m impatiant or because I start thinking other things like “What are they doing lately?” is when they don’t update it regularely. I really wish they would, even if it’s only. Hey guys, we moved, or we still are moving please be patient for the next update, but nothing is too cruel!

… psssssssstttt I will tell you a secret… because of the Gamescom in Cologne we couldn’t work on it earlier, but we’ll do a video update today and release it probably till Friday… but don’t tell anybody! :slight_smile:


… psssst okay. (Very quietly) how was it at the Gamescom? I hope you guys found more followers and some publishers/ what ever you were looking for :slight_smile: I won’t tell anyone

hmmm let’s say it was disappointing and interesting at once. But next year we want to have our own stand. :slight_smile:


I hope I wasn’t the disappointing part of the Gamescom… :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah it was disappointing for the general booth setup, as it was so damn generic. Every AAA title had its square booth with 10m high walls and to wait an hour just to play 20 or so minutes??? Sorry, not really interested in that. So I played the stuff, that was available for public and I had my fun with some indie devs. I also hated the noise some booths made for nothing, like AMD or Battlefield Hardline, which was like an earthquake created by the hammering bass of their PA system.

And if someone from Ubisoft (Germany) reads this: Tell your guys how to enter the gamescom halls properly. They should not fill the narrow space of the press and trade visitors in front of the gates that were yet to be opened.

:scream: :sunrise: :new: :clapper: :soon: ? :pray: :heart_eyes:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: :point_right: :weary:

:innocent: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Youtube F5 mode activated.

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No update today? :frowning:


Yea, what about that? no update today? was looking forward to it since you wrote that!

Maybe Tobi should have emphasised the word probably a bit more.


Tobi, where are you?

I cant wait till next week :weary:

But I’m actually looking more forward to a blog post than to a video update

Or the question is about which Friday.


It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend