WarHorse @ Gamescom 2017

I understood. But what I did not is if 80 quests in total or just main story.

80 side quests :slight_smile:

This looks cool. The enemy there is very fast, that is exactly what I needed to see, so we can enjoy some real fighting. No slow motion.

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About Lord Vávra… he is Hanush (Peter Hosking) and was speaking to Radzig (Michael Pitthan).


Here is another view on the same quest with commentary.


Has it been officially confirmed this is actual PS4 footage?

It’s just that Playstation Access also did a video like this from E3 back in June that said it was PS4 gameplay…and the Community Manager of this forum actually told me the footage was in fact recorded from a PC version:

It is possible, while they were playing themselves on computers… I do not see reason why would WHS give away downgraded records of PS4 and Xbox. But I could be wrong and we may need another approval.

This time it is very likely it is actual PS4 footage. Several journalists at GC said that they could choose which platform they want to play (pc, xbox, ps4), so all versions were playable. And when you look at the youtube, there are actually at least two different versions of the playthrough. That french xbox channel which was posted earlier has a different video than this ps4 channel. These videos are prerecorded and provided by Warhorse, and there is no reason for doing two slightly different recordings unless it is meant to demonstrate how it looks like on different platforms.

Aha, so the other one was also provided by WHS. Now it all makes sense, thanks for clearing that out.

As far as I know, the speed of fighting animations is dictated by RPG system, which takes into consideration skill levels of both player and enemy… More skilled your character is, slower/easier the combat is for you as a player. (thay said that window for sucessfull block is influenced by player skill).
BTW KC is supposed to have only one difficulty option. So I expect that modders will tweak this system for various tastes…

Slow motion still kicks in on perfect blocks, I believe. Somebody will mod it out for sure…

Seems this guy has some complains. Any Pole here willing to share what they said?


I think it is not an downgraded console version… This is KCD on all platforms.
With the engine updates the game lost more realism in world representation.
In the first scene where Henry comes into services, the scene was better in his old state (First Live Stream with Dan and Victor). Massively cuted and i know that the answer will be, “it was changed for the story” or “is a reason of story editing in dev time”. I can say, that was the reason why i wanted the publishers version in the past. Oh same with the scene at horse stables! Atmosphere was much much better!
It seems typically for east european studios to cut her own games heavy.
Yeah i know it was alpha state but cuting npc’s in the castle!? What was so bad on the old scene?! Can’t understand such decisions!
Then still too many glitches with the armors and clothes layer.
Next the Horse riding, if the player starts sprinting and camera looked to riding direction
it looks like an lag riding
Starts sprinting with horse, SOMEWHERE HERE IT LOOKS LIKE LAG, horse is sprinting. It isn’t an real lag, the player in video looked at right side and still sprinting forward and everything looks okay!?

Video in German starts at: 01:01:00

Tobi tells us something about

  • 60FPS
  • PS4 Gameplay
  • differences between KS Video (Quest Neuhof) and the new QuestVideo about Neuhof
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Dude, you seem to be ripe for refund :wink:

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Some nice screenshots check out this spanish site : http://www.3djuegos.com/noticias-ver/173423/kingdom-come-deliverance-se-deja-ver-en-espectaculares/


Thanks for the great find! Really love the cutscenes, some great direction there. Lipsync does not bother me too much, but could be improved for sure.

The combat improved a lot as far as I can tell. It was great to see the bandit run fast to Henry and start beating the shit out of him. And he didn’t get stuck on the wall during the chase. Though then he ran after Henry to an area with 4 other soldiers, not very smart, but that would be nitpicking :slight_smile:

Not a pole (haha) but what I got is that they don’t think the game can be finished in time (due too AI bugs etc…), deem the game is too ambicious. Feels too rough around the edges considering the current development stage/timeframe.

They don’t like the combat system at all saying that while the intentions were good the execution is lacking (combat feels too stiff, too slow).

Long horse ride as part of the quest is too boring even though the landscape is nice.

Face anims are bad, likening them to TES: Oblivion, anims too stiff.

Fair points in my opinion, even though they’re perhaps too radical about it.

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However other journalists voted KCD as best game of 2017, so general oppinion will be different.

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Could you briefly translate to us what he said about those interesting topics?

@Pesci sorry very briefly…
form Interview with Gamestar and Tobi

– Internal Builds already runs with 60FPS
– Build smooth playable on GTX960 mid-range GPU.
– At Gamescom were 6PCs and 2 PS4 Pro for testing the Game in the Press area. PS4Pro runs with 50+ FPS
– Fighting System: Changes from Beta to newest Build. No changes in core system. Better animations, some improvements in UI (indicator to find “Perfect Block” Moment), smoother fighting.
– No VR-Support.
– MOD-Support after release. But no more detailed info.

Optimization and Work still in Progress