What do you want to see in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

I do not think Warhors will ever read this, or ever answer this, I don’t even know I they’ll take a not about what we’re saying here, but whatever

Actually, I want almost the same thing as everyone here, I didn’t saw any bad idea for me (except maybe the coop mod but whatever)

And I’ll tell you the thing I want most in this game : I want to be a part of the world. By that, I mean I don’t want to stat a blacksmith son, doing shit for lord and stuff… Of course I can’t be king of the land, I’ll obey some lord, some king etc… But If I actually save the king’s daughter, he would be a very dumb lord to reward me with 25 silver coin. And that’s what happen too much in video games.

You’re doing amazing stuff, killing a bunch of ennemies, solves everyone’s problem and get nothing back ? Well, you’ll get epic sword, some gold and stuff, but no “social” reward.

I want people to recognize me for what I did. < Thank you for bringin some food at the village, we were starving ! Here, have a 20% reduction at my shop ! >

< God ! You saved my lord’s life, If you ever need me, my sword is your !"

So you make friend, and companions, and so many other thing, and then, you’re now a part of a living world.

Second thing would be to have a little land to live. I do not want a big castle, I don’t give a damn about it. But a little stronghold, a village or whatever. Being lord of something would be really amazing ! Possibility to bring your men to adventure with you, let you companion live in your estate (If you ever have real companion, like mass effect or dragon age, with real story and stuff behind them) , see your villager work for you, and when they see you “Oh, greeting my lord” that would be so amazing !

You could eventually manage to become a land owner before the great battle, and then, take your few men to battle and see your (little) banner in the sky. So epic !

The last thing, realy look like the first one but I also want that If you come in a village, see people starving in the street, some other trying to steal food and stuff, and you bring back in the village food, I don’t want to see the village look like chaos. I mean by that : C’mon, you have food now, you’re not starving anymore, why are you staying in the street and act like you’re gonna die ?

See what I mean ?

Whatever, thank’s for reading me and sorry for my pretty bad english, I’m a french guy. See ya !

  • I want the game world to feel alive. i.e. people always doing something, no one just waiting around for you to talk to them. This is something I heard them say they were doing and I’m really quite excited for.

  • I want the amount of animal life to be realistic. So everything from bugs to bears.

  • I want the physical aspects of the player to be realistic. So we should be subject to things like carrying capacity and jogging/running endurance.

  • dynamic weather

  • With all those clothing layers and equipment slots…it would be a shame for one of them not to be pouches/backpacks.

  • A system that allows for you to sleep/cook in the wilderness so I don’t have to trek back home every night.

  • And most importantly…FALCONS.


I would like to see the medieval song reproduction by Vox Vulgaris “Rokatanc” to be implemented somewhere in the game either in some kind of tournament, festival, or combat. The song is amazing and was actually composed in the middle ages, and its very up beat. Rokatanc- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRIX0pBdk1Q

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I want my character to die from the plague and then kill off the rest of the city due to his stupidity…

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During the middle of a variety of diseases and witches / magicians / priests who took care of them and what will happen if you are playing a person becomes ill? his family was killed at the beginning of the story, that is, if he can establish a new family and have children are playing and when a person dies, to continue his relatives?
is this mentioned before? plague?


The game is not about begetting children and see them grow up etc.!
It’s not the Medieval Sims!

I would like to role-play as a doctor You could try to cure people who have been lying with winches and contracted STDs you Could help Wounded soldiers There could be references to the Black Plague And Clothing that doctors would’ve wore in The 14th and 15th Century You could earn money by helping the sick/injured and The way you treated your patience influences the way you are respected as a doctor.You can accidentally kill your patience and the peasants can seek out your help and you can also help animals and you could help deliver a baby and amputate limbs from wounded soldiers and you can craft Medical equipment Or by the equipment your self and Make medicine from plants In your environment. This last Part is off topic. A Medieval Song about the Bubonic Plague:

“A sickly season,” the merchant said,
“The town I left was filled with dead,
and everywhere these queer red flies
crawled upon the corpses’ eyes,
eating them away.”

“Fair make you sick,” the merchant said,
“They crawled upon the wine and bread.
Pale priests with oil and books,
bulging eyes and crazy looks,
dropping like the flies.”

“I had to laugh,” the merchant said,
"The doctors purged, and dosed, and bled;
"And proved through solemn disputation
"The cause lay in some constellation.
“Then they began to die.”

“First they sneezed,” the merchant said,
“And then they turned the brightest red,
Begged for water, then fell back.
With bulging eyes and face turned black,
they waited for the flies.”

“I came away,” the merchant said,
"You can’t do business with the dead.
"So I’ve come here to ply my trade.
“You’ll find this to be a fine brocade…”

And then he sneezed.


I would like to see the ability to create a small warband or levy. Pay your soldiers, kit them out, send them to the training grounds and form shieldwall on the battlefield. Like Mount and blade but without the terrible animations, graphics and clunky controls.

Nice idea but what you’re talking about isn’t just a mini-game, so I think it’s very unlikely they will implement it. Although it would be cool it they would.

After a large battle, can look around me and see body, broken shield, weapons, and bloody grass all around the battlefield. No corps desapeare like a arcade game ( Like mount and blade battle, option possible for low config).
I want feel “i’m a survivor” after the horror of the battle. Sorry for my bad english.

I am not a Christian myself, but I think that, considering this game is taking place in Medieval Europe, some elements of Christian theology mixed in with the gameplay/plot/leveling system, etc would add a level of ambience and maturity. Also adding some Christian Military Orders into the game would be awesome - imagine some sort of secular and non-secular warrior or monk skill trees! Imagine all of the complex plot-line possibilities; imagine the media attention (and increased sales) as a result of including controversial religious elements in a game; imagine epic Christian armor and sword relics; imagine the power of the Christian word over the hearts and minds of the people (that would add some depth to a bard character!); imagine the moral possibilities that this would introduce to the game. In my opinion, not including any elements of Christianity would break the immersion of the game; God and Christian dogma was the moral and philosophical fabric upon which much of the Medieval world was constructed. And again, I am not a Christian. I’m excited for this game; thanks to the Devs for all of the hard work!

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I dont know how will be working the caracter gen but i think it will be good idea if the players can choose own regional native origins. For example Czeh, Hungaian, German. etc what gives unic specializations like hungarian horse archery, or Czeh heavy armoured combat…

@rogfturner: Don’t know about military orders, but the devs have said religion will be a major theme in the game.

@Hellbrecht: That won’t be possible, unfortunately - you’re playing a specific character (a blacksmith named Henry) who is Czech and from the local area.

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Naked ladies…a lot’s of them

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You’re forgetting that Henry is a blacksmiths son… How’s a guy like that going to raise enough funds to ‘upgrade’ an entire army. Besides, WH have stated on numerous occasions that your character is not ‘special’, he’s not some chosen one. Sure, he’ll play his part; and that part will be an interesting one I’m certain. But you’re not a feudal lord or noble leading and controlling men-at-arms.

The most we could hope for in later acts, is (assuming you’re knighted) lead and supply a small warband. But that too might not eventuate. We’ll just have to wait and see

Assuming you are also going to be a blacksmith surely in a time of war there will be a new order of weapons and armour which you and your father will make? I imagine this scenario to allow for the time you put in to reflect on the quality of weapons and armour that is then supplied to the army you fight for. The only problem could be how the game deals with natural resources and wether you source materials or buy them.

As for tactics, I’ve always been brought up in a way that everyone gets an input weather they are the boss or an apprentice, wether those ideas get used or not obviously depends on the idea but in game terms if for example you have been finding books throughout the game play with battle tactics then you may have good ideas for battle, this doesn’t make you special in any way, just educated.

And as you say could lead to promotions in further acts.

is this game going to support oculous rift ? would be epic sitting off in a 3d forest shooting at pigs etc, also i would like to see the mace weapons implimented that was talked about in the live feed i think. and i would like to see similar dynamicly animated plumes for helmets and horse armour

feasible and nice to have:

  • a lake
  • boats (some with enough space for the horse as well)
  • a ferry transporting people and goods up and down the river between two points (the player can pay to be a passenger)
    northern point to anchor: mouth of Jevansky potok (creek to Str. Skalice);
    southern point to anchor: Rataje or even further down the river
    maybe also stops along the way, e.g. at the monastery

More ideas on lakes and boats here:


Anyone else correct me if I’m wrong here, but I was under the impression that Henry’s family was killed. So as far as father son interactions are concerned; well there simply won’t be any because your father (and mother etc.) have been killed by the besieging lords men when they ransacked their home village.

I too would hope that greater time and effort results in higher quality and more valuable arms / armour. However it all depends on the depth and granularity the smithing mini game offers. From an immersion perspective though, this really is a key feature that we all would love to see.

Back in these medieval feudal times, only the nobility really had a say on the battlefield. The notion of equality and every man having his say didn’t really come into prevalence until much much later. Contextually as well, even in a modern-day military sense that ancient principal is still the same… rank is everything, and if you haven’t got the stipes, then you simply nod and follow orders.

I’m with you on the idea of character progression and education, hopefully battle tactics will be something Henry can learn and develop (along with many other skills and attributes). I just don’t believe that this will translate into tangible knowledge sharing or council with the nobility in charge. But that really depends on how the story pans out. Maybe you could be onto something…


It has just occurred to me, that I would REALLY like to have an option to “converse” with an opponent I am fighting. A fight in reality is rarely a mute affair, isn’t it? Granted, most of the things two fighters yell at one another are swearwords. But is there never a chance to make a friend of an opponent?