When should I play the game?

I know this game has some bugs, unpolished animations and minor problems. But my question is, is it worth it palying on day 1? Or should I wait a month, two or longer for post-release updates?
I recomend reading this post: Other things to polish
I know some of them got improved, but some minor things are still there. I am totaly hyped for this game, but I am not sure if it will be woth it waiting an additional time for some fixes and stuff.

As I said earlier, this game seems so awesome. The imersion and realism is like no other. But how big problem are those minor things? In my opinion, in minor things is the beauty. Details and stuff.

I know @warhorse will not leave the game after day 1 and will continue updating and fixing the game, but at what time will it be ‘‘finished?’’ - polished, optimalized?

You should pre-order and get it now, just for the extra content and maps, that won’t be available once the game releases, unless you get a game of the year or something they release much further down the line. They should have their first patch out addressing the main bugs, shortly after release. You could always just set the game aside for a few weeks, in case of a major game breaking problem, and then try again, as it should be fixed, especially, for those that have the game in digital form, since Steam, Platstation and X-Box do all the work and patching for you. Physical copies are a whole different story. For $60 I think it’s a great investment to pre-order IMHO.

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You can spoil food! Last seen this in 2002 games. There’re many mechanics, that modern games are lacking of. I don’t think WH would left something, that doesn’t work well for their view. So, i guess, everything is fine by now. :smirk:

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I know, I already pre ordered it. But I’m not sure when to start playing it

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13th of February. While game may have some annoying bugs I do not expect them to appear in beginning location as it is usually overplayed so many times they can not miss them. And also need to be taken care of as first impression is important.

Idk, but i guess, the only problem might be at release is launching and animations(Cus it’s hard to make work well). They spent a long to optimization. But, i hope, that i’m wrong with animations at least, ha-ha. Cus this thinking pose was a bit strange working. :thinking:

I don’t know what do with my hands pose. I’ve seen another video about this. And it seems to me they simply did not finish optimizing when this came out. As this was red alert for many, I am sure they improved it.

Yeah, i was just guessing. It was just a demo build for showing progression. Who wanted - they understood things. I don’t think, that animators gonna be making such a mistake. They made lots of good animations, so they won’t add something like this, if it’s doesn’t work well. :grinning:

If you are super sensitive to bugs, as in they just kill the game for you, don’t play until like 6 months later. There will probably be some game breaking bugs (won’t even launch) and those fixes will be priority. (Probably within the first month.) After that, they aren’t gonna work all that hard I suspect because they’ve been working 4 years straight and after hours every day… maybe after 4 months another bug patch… and then optimization after that.
If you are used to bugs like arma 2/3, or any early access games, then yes play it.
What am I going to do? I have been waiting for four years. I’m not going to wait.


6 months later we will already have blacksmithing or horse combat.

Who knows…

But are you strong enough???
There will be YouTube videos on every corner… :slight_smile:
Don´t you want, to explore …where no human has gone before… since 600 years… :wink:
…Be the first, who conquered the Old World… new.

Old world blues. :smirk:

I would recommend you to play the game at release and report any bug or visual discrepancy anyways so warhorse can fix those “minor” bugs. Please take a look at this thread as well Missing Animations/Particle Effects/Textures

I am sure @warhorse will do the best possible to get rid of those minor bugs as well :slight_smile:

Your best option is to wait. I hate game breaking bugs and for that reason I never pre-order games, no matter the company. I just wait a week to read reviews and opinions on forums before buying a game.

I WILL NOT wait! I WILL play the game when it releases!

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We already have simple horse combat.
I expect blacksmithing to take 8-12 months to implement considering how “fast” warhorse works. c: no offense warhorse.

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I’d rather wait longer to see a very good crafting minigame, considering how warhorse likes to expand things :slight_smile: than a quick shot. I am sure there will be many nice immersion upgrades in upcoming patches as well :slight_smile:

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just blacksmithing can take 12 months ?
They can charge 20 euros at max for Blacksmithing if it takes 1 year to develop there is no way they going to develope it. On the other hand, main game designers already hd lots of time to create it’s concept and how it can be implemented.

My biggest concern about upcoming DLC is that it have not to be retextured or extra items or quests in game but actual itself game mechanics implemented.