Why Henry?

There is already character customization. It would take very little to change what is happening in this video to a player character customization option. To say say that is a lot of work is ridiculous.

“There is really no limit of the appearance of any character in the game.” Except limits imposed by design choice, obviously.

I think that what the original poster meant is this:

“Okay, I can accept that I cannot change the character’s gender, name and backstory, but why the heck does he have to look like Sean Penn?”

And then he started to express his wish to be able to change his (the main character’s) name and the rest too.

So, his main complaint is about the character Henry’s appearance/face/looks, not his gender, not his name, not his backstory, though he bickered a bit about those too. :slight_smile:

Measure twice, cut once. (I.e., read twice before replying.)

Edit: The original poster could also be a she.

No one is asking the obvious question here… “Henry” - was that a common name in medieval Bohemia? Shouldn’t it make more sense to have Heinric or even Haginric? Also, if we insist on Henry, shouldn’t he be called Harry in-game?

It would be “Jindřich” in Czech : )


How the h… are you going to have a NPC say your name without recording it?

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You canť change facial features (which is main part of player character customization in most games).
With this system you can change hair and you can make character fat. If you would like to change face you need a new model. So with this system they would need to make new face models for the player and thad would be a lot of work.


There are some good examples of RPG’s that implement a system of allowing the character to be customized but also a concrete persona. The most prominent example I can think of is Mass Effect. Everyone knows Shepard, calls them by their name, but Shepard’s appearance and actions are determined by the player. The only changes you’d need to the dialogue would be gender pronouns. Even those can be mostly avoided if you’re called ‘Ser’, which is just an honorific. I just wanted to be a female knight.

Problem here is that KCD tries to be historically correct. The daughter of a blacksmith would probably never gain access to the equipment needed to be a knight (or more accurately - a dame) in the 13-1400’s. The knights came fully equipped and often with men such as archers to the local musterer. This means that they were rather rich land owners to begin with. When those knights died their duties could be taken over by their daughters or widows. I don’t know how things worked in Bohemia but in England women was allowed into the ranks of the knights (as dames) from 1358. But I don’t think it was very common to see the daughter of a ‘commoner’ among these ranks.


Weight and hair wise you are right. But all of the faces are 3d scanned from actors and office employees.

I just don’t understand how someone can sink so much time into how they look in a SINGLE PLAYER game. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fo4, I just used the default character (aside from race) and it was still just as immersive. Witcher 3 won awards and you cant customize yourself there.

It’s wasted development time and resources on Warhorse’s part, I’m glad they aren’t doing it.

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Then you should have found another game… The devs have been very clear from day one that they where trying to make a historical game.
Females did not become men-at-arms.

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Not quite. It is a male honorific.

sir (noun) : Used as a polite or respectful way of addressing a man, especially one in a position of authority. Origin: Middle English: reduced form of sire; from Old French, from an alteration of Latin senior; literally ‘older, older man’, comparative of senex, sen- ‘old man, old’. (OxfordDictionaries.com)

Its female equivalent is “madam”.

Knight – Dame
Lord – Lady
Master / Mister – Mistress
Sir – Madam (from Old French ma dame “my lady”)

(“Ser”, with an e, doesn’t appear in the dictionary.)

See also: Royal and noble ranks


The discussion male x female is not that much historical x ahistorical in my point of view, more like story-driven x sandbox game (or, better said, living someone’s else’s life vs. living your own medieval life). And on that day one you mention, this was still rather unclear :wink:

Yet, I had no problem with supporting the game itself. This is still act 1, and if it’s going to be succesful, there will be more acts (up to three). And with additional years of development we might get another main characters than Henry, another locations, more of the realistic medieval world. Arguably, there even might be some ‘spin-off’ or user-made content that will focus more on RPG elements rather that on story. Who knows what will time bring us.

I’m also with all ten for female characters, I played them from ol’good Homam 3 (Catherine ‘Ironfist’ Gryphonheart - that’s lineage that I ‘virtually’ adopted :smiley_cat: ), in Skyrim, TESO, GTA online, Life is Feudal, everywhere, I’m also quite sure Evie and Ciri got more attention than Jacob and Geralt btw… on the other hand, playing with great character in badly designed game is not much better than playing with boring character in otherwise interesting game…

Positive thing is that current in-game Henry is just a placeholder. In final game he should look different… I hope.

I’m fine if I can not change the appearance of Henry.
He is the son of a blacksmith from silver Skalice and his whole Family was killed in a raid.

I guess we will see a story at the start which will get us familiar with our family, so the player gets this feeling for revenge. It would be strange in my opinion, if Henry looks total different than his relatives.

The roleplaying starts when the player is setting the goals for Henrys further life and how to reach this goals.

Really? I said you DON’T say ANY name. It’s already there for most interactions. Most NPCs do not use the word “Henry.”

As for how much effort it would be to implement customization, we can agree to disagree. None of that matters really, because there will be none unless it’s in mod form. I am done with this pointless topic.

Yes, but it will work more like random generator so they can fill word with NPCs. To bring this feature to player, Devs would have to create correct UI and that’s a lot of work on top. Also if you’d use this tool, creating correct facial expressions in cinematics are harder as every face has different proportions and extreme cases can break whole scene. For example facial expressions in TES and Mass Effect seemed dead to me. Instead in Witcher, cinematics were just great. Awesome videos I couldn’t skip.

Btw if you customize the name, NPCs wont be able talk to you by your name. Game is loosing it’s narrative power then.

Just that stuff I replied to. Just looking for nice and meaningful debate we can maintain here, imho. Thx for asking :slight_smile:

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Women had harder life in medieval Bohemia. They weren’t able to inherit family titles. That was the reason why Premyslid dynasty died by sword.
Dunno correct english term for this, but last male ruler of Premyslid dynasty, Wenceslaus III., died childless/heirless so his sister Eliška Přemyslovna, as the only last unmarried woman of Premyslid dynasty, married Johann von Luxembourg. Thanks to that he gained claim on Bohemian Crown. That inherrited also his son Wenceslaus, latter known as Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor, he had long and successful reign. The empire he ruled from Prague expanded and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity. When the Emperor died, the whole empire mourned. And the rest you already know :wink: His son, blah blah, women, wine, life is one huge party. Kaboom, kingdom in trash, small boom in the village, Henry, rampage. Battle incoming. Hold lines, stick together, they’re coming, melee fight. Instakill, double kill, multikill, MEGAKILL, ULTRAKILL, GODLIKE. Tadaa, Henry is a knight and he deserves his very own PC game. :slight_smile:

Thx to this story, my dear reader, we can say that women had very small role on battlefield. And I guess KCD would be very boring as first person RPG acting like medieval diplomatic and politics simulator. It’s much more enjoyable to cut off someones head by one-and-half sword :slight_smile:

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It will more than Likely become a Mod at some point

Re: Why is the Protagonist So Ugly? (TL;DR)

He isn’t so ugly – he only has that nearly constant mean-looking expression in his eyes. I don’t know whose idea it was, but that “should” be changed.

Henrys face is just a placeholder. He will look completely different in the final game.

But this will make the game more shallow, and less personal to the character. Persons who adress the main character with his name are important to give this a more personal and less foreign feeling. It feels strange whan people in Skyrim adress you with the “Dragonborn” and it will not fit to our game. You will have parents in the game, friends, and you will have a Lord above you who knows you very well and all this people would adress you with your name of course.
We think having a pointed out and deep character is more important then to have the ability to be whoever you want.
If you want to create a game where you can be everybody, you will be nobody in the end because it does not matter who you are.

In fact it is. Right now we have three kinds of Characters, Cryengine basic characters. They are already part of the Crytek editor, but they are not the quality we are aiming for (For example the Sword Master in Alpha). Then we have early scanned faces for testing purposes.
This are faces of real people scanned for the game, farmer Jerry is an example here (Our coworker Lubos).
And third one: we have final scanned faces for the game, Reeky for example (Our coworker Petr).
The Faces are not customized through face customizing tool at all. They are all single scanned into the game, apart from the early Crytek editor faces, they are all real faces, scanned from real persons and not customized at all.

But the game takes place in 1403 Bohemia in the holy roman empire. Female warriors were pretty pretty rare in that time. Jeanne D´Arc does have a special story as Jeanne D´Arc and you could not exchange her with a male character and the other way around. She had a specific unique story because she was female and the medieval societey of 1403 would simply not allow a female knight and you would have a totally different story if you would play as a female in that time. And unfortuantely we don´t have the ability to produce two stories in our game sorted by gender, we don´t have the rescources to do this. Gender matters in our game, it makes acutally a difference.
You will be able to play as a millers daughter in some quest, we came up with this solution as we had a lot of requests. She will be not a copy of Henry but she will have her own personality.