Will helmet limit vision?

I’m sensing some hostility.

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Why? You didn’t exactly give any reason. Realism is a focus in this game, trading armor for limited vision is pretty realistic. If anything, it’s the only time when your lack of peripheral vision (because of single monitor) will make sense, you wouldn’t have peripheral vision with a helmet either. Depending on the helmet of course.

Please no: “THIS ISN’T A SIMULATION!!!11!!1”. That isn’t an argument, I could apply that to any realistic features of this game as a reason not to add them-____-


It’s annoying and distracting. Like I said, try using the pointy hat, and tell me you still think that’s a good idea. Did you try my cardboard cutout suggestion?[quote=“Wicker, post:7, topic:27748”]
Realism is a focus in this game,

No, it’s not. The story is the main focus of this game. There is a long list of things in the game where realism has given way to convenience. This isn’t a medieval life simulator.

And yet it isn’t.

In all seriousness, if you want realism, buy one those helmets made in India on eBay. They are quite affordable, and about as realistic as you’re going to get. Blocking off half the screen is a terrible idea.

Just use a cardboard cutout, and see for yourself. Failing that, equip either the pointy hat, the worst offender, which blocks off a large portion of the screen, or the mail coif.

I’m going to go ahead and use your words against you here. I was over on that “What we don’t want” thread, and saw this “It doesn’t mean that something should be removed simply because you don’t like it” I think in regards to immersion. The same applies here, you not liking it doesn’t mean it should be removed. Making it optional is fine, who ever said you should be forced to deal with our tastes? But you know, that’s just according to you.

Yes it is. Maybe you didn’t read what I said correctly, I said "Is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA focus, not the THE focus. Go to the game features tab, literally the first feature is dubbed “realism”. So yes, it is a focus, if you weren’t aware, that was a selling point from the beginning. Yes there are things that haven’t been done due to going too far in terms of realism, I disagree that this is too far. Making a choice between visibility and armor fits right in. But again, making it optional is perfectly fine, no one said you should be forced to use it.

Yeah, I kind of addressed why this is a bad point right under the part you quoted. The fact is, realism is something they’re actively going for with this game, saying it isn’t a simulator can be used agasint anything realistic. Needing to eat and sleep? This isn’t a medieval life simulator!!! On it’s own, saying it isn’t a simulator is not a valid argument.

In conclusion: It should be added, and made optional, as there isn’t a reason why not, many people like extra immersion, especially in this community. Unless you think it just shouldn’t be in the game because you don’t like it… “It doesn’t mean that something should be removed simply because you don’t like it” - You

Then we agree. If it’s optional then I could not possibly care less.

Since we are bringing up other threads, it would seem that it is YOU that can not handle options you don’t like.

That said, the game seems to shy away from making things like this optional. There was talk of a hardcore mode, but it was hardly confirmed.

So what will most likely happen is no view obstruction, although my cardboard cutout idea, or buying your own helm are still valid options, and fast travel will be included. The same applies to fast sleep. It will also be included. It’s basically the same thing. Being able to approximate a change in time without having to simulate every single footstep of every single NPC. That’s the reason it’s not included now.

No, if you keep reading you’ll see I said it should be optional at the start, so you can permanently disable it when making a new game. The mentality does change, so you should be able to disable it completely.

No. They aren’t, that’s just silly. The reason that it would be immersive is because it corresponds to whatever you’re wearing, and alters view based on that, not because whatever percent of the screen is gone.

If it comes down to these things not being optional, I’ll vote for both fast travel, and immersive headgear to be added. Why? Because both of these things can easily be modded away, making it easiest for everyone to get what they want.

Yes, I read the entire post. I just didn’t quote it all.

That’s where we disagree. You should be able to not use it. It doesn’t need an option to turn it off… Although as I mentioned, a hardcore mode, limited saves, no fast travel, was mentioned as a possibility.

I find the existence of an archery potion that suddenly turns you into Robin Hood, master archer, ridiculous in a non fantasy/magical game. I don’t need an option to turn off things like that. I simply won’t use them. It will in no way impact my sense of immersion while playing the game.

I’ll give you an example of what I consider immersion breaking. I remember playing multiple games where fully armed and armored men have nothing on them that corresponds to what they were wearing, or holding in their hands just before you killed them. Animals will have coins, or weapons, that they could not possibly have had. Things like that.

In GTA V, the first heist, you have to get an automatic weapon, and you’re told you can’t buy it, or it would be traced. You couldn’t buy it yet anyway, because it hadn’t been unlocked, but I already had one I had taken from the airport police. Then you have to do a bunch of convoluted things, like hacking into cameras, and paying everyone a cut, when I could have simply walked in there on my own, robbed the place and flew out on a chopper.

Other games where you can resurrect people in game, but for what ever plot reasons, you can’t during a cutscene. Things like that, that make no sense. Those are what break immersion.

Things like fast travel aren’t immersion breaking. Your character is still traveling, you just don’t see it. The story will probably have jumps in it. The beta for example, it jumps from Robard to the battle. Robard even maintains his standing, leaning or sitting position he had before you port there. Also, even killing everyone in the camp before the battle, in no way diminishes the number or type of opponents in the battle. Things like that are immersion breaking, but the existence of fast travel? No.

If you don’t like the idea of fast travel, don’t use it. The devs have said they won’t be limiting things like that in options. Mods are a definite possibility, as is an official hardcore mode, but none of those are guaranteed.

Then don’t respond as if you haven’t:I

The issue with the rest of your post, is that you don’t actually get to decide what is immersion breaking, that comes down to the individual. You actually no power at all over how others react to things, what is and isn’t immersion breaking isn’t an objective question, your own feelings don’t apply to everyone. I’m so sorry to be the one to tell you this.

I will agree about fast travel, so long as immersive fast travel options are available. Carriages, etc.

Except for this. You’re against something that has literally no impact on you at all? It doesn’t effect you whatsoever, and yet you’re still advocating for it to not be added? God damn. I’m saying it should all be optional, a completely neutral position that means everyone wins. I really don’t see how you can say “No! You shouldn’t have those options that won’t affect me at all…” Come on.

No, I’m saying the devs have stated they don’t want options like this. What I said was that you don’t need an option, you need self control.

You said this: “It doesn’t need an option to turn it off”, that was you, not the devs, regardless of if they agree, you weren’t quoting the, just stating something. As I said, for me and others, non immersive fast travel messes with us. We don’t have control over that, it isn’t a matter of choice. But as I said, mods can turn it off, so we’ll probably be fine. But the same applies the headgear, you can just mod it off.

Can you link me to the devs statement on options?

Yes, you don’t need an option to achieve what you want, you simply need self control.

Your exact statement was:[quote=“Wicker, post:13, topic:27748”]
You’re against something that has literally no impact on you at all?
To which the answer is no, I am not against it. I’m not for it either. I do not care.

Do you understand the difference? I am not against implementing the option. The devs on the other hand do care, and they have stated that the less pointless options like turning off fast travel the better.

Again, since you want to not have fast travel, and the devs do not want to make it an option, (unless hardcore mode becomes a reality) then you simply need to exercise self control, not an option in game, to achieve your desired outcome of no fast travel.

There you go. :slight_smile:

I already said mods will be able to turn it off, it doesn’t exaclty matter if the option is native or not, it would just be nice.

“you simply need self control”

If you’re insistent on ignoring what I say “As I said, for me and others, non immersive fast travel messes with us. We don’t have control over that, it isn’t a matter of choice”, then fine, I won’t try to explain it any further, you clearly refuse to acknowledge the feelings of others.

Oh, and that quote actually doesn’t apply to what I suggested. I said it should be an option when starting a new game only, it wouldn’t be in the ingame options menu at all, it would be apart of your starting parameters. So yeah.

The statement applies to both in game options and when starting new game.
But, as I am not an autor neither designer I cant really help you with your little visor dilema.
Best would be to ask the man himself @Vik

Damn. I really disagree with the quote. I don’t see how making a game modular, meaning you can please many people is a failure on the designers part. I don’t understand that at all. Allowing people to keep and remove features is only a bonus, how on earth is that a failure? Some people won’t like a feature no matter how well done it is.

Yes, that’s where the self control comes in. Don’t use it. Problem solved… For me. I think the difference between our opinions on this is that I play a character, and you think immersion is that you are the character. For me, fast travel isn’t magic, it just means that the character made the journey, and I didn’t have to wade through the forest of invisible walls. The invisible walls being another immersion breaker for me.

To MY understanding if you do something it should be perfect. By leting someone adjusting it you are saying that the feature/game is not perfect.

That is different issue. It is not issue of design but of taste. In that case , in my opinion, it is up to designer whether he decides to make something optional feature. This decision is then based on whether the feature is esential for the game or wheter it is not.
In this case, whether reduced vision is part of the combat system when you trade better defense for less vision.

I think that it would be an interesting mchanics. If you dont like having reduced vision but still want better cover for your head, then you are out of luck, you either cope with it or use another helmet. (realism at its best)

But as I said, this is just my personal opinion. And I have little impact on the game.

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You basically end up saying it in your post, but yeah, this is about taste, not really a matter of it being perfect or not. I don’t think fast travel is crucial for this game, some people do, the game will still work regardless of which is chosen.

I’m happy you agree about helmets/vision:)

Speaking of helmets and options, I was thinking that during the cutscenes it would be nice if we had the option to either hide the helm, very common in many games, or at least raise the visor. Currently if you’re wearing the klappvisor, that’s all you can see in the cutscenes of Henry’s face. He doesn’t even lift up the visor to throw up, or wipe away the vomit.


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You sound like you are the one who decides what to have in Deliverance and it is final…

Listen now, I like the feature of obscured vision. I back it up with both hands. As other people said, you trade better protection for limited awareness. Just as in real life. And if you don’t like it, then don’t wear a helmet in-game.

The nonsense you are proposing (to wear a hat in real life) is pure trolling, I won’t say more to keep the good tone.
And seeing that you aren’t even a backer to the game doesn’t make things better.

On the other hand, this suggestion is really good! As you can see, a helpful and thought idea can benefit the game.

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