Will there be.... jews?

A simple question. Will there be jews in the game? I want to know. If there is, will we be able to convert?

I hope that they will not be there.


Try to search next time.

Jews lived in bigger cities and mainly in cities of the crown. This is not the case of our location in Act1. But some may be present.


Can I ask? Why do you hope that they will not be there?

Given that the story is somewhat linear and the character predefined I doubt we’ll be able to convert. Besides converting in the 15th century isn’t really great timing.


might be difficult to do without insulting someone, given the amount of antisemitism that occurred at the time. I’m all for a historical representation, maybe a quest where you have the option of saving a jewish family from a pogrom and pissing off the church.

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They wasn’t welcome there or anywhere where they came. So do you want hunt them in game? :slight_smile:

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Hunt them? I am jewish myself.
Anyway, if you hate jewish people, you shouldn’t. Don’t judge people according to their religion. You will lose alot. There is good and bad guys in any religion. It is all about getting the right education.


I understand you but let’s talk about past. How do you want see them in game? Jews gain bad name because they was doing bad things. Not all of them but most of. Isn’t jewish religion too much agressive against other religion? Are jews thinking that only jewish nation is the best (chosen) one? So if you return back, when jews come to foreign land with this thinking its normal that native people will dislike them too. (Hunt was too strange word chase will be better)

Subject of this topic is allow main hero as blacksmith to convert to jew? You mean this seriously? Why you think that blacksmith want to conver? Why you want this? What purpose of this? And why only convert to jewish religion?
The game is role play game so there is some story. You born as non-jewish religion so if you want convert main hero to jewish religion the all story should changed also.


I never wanted to change the story of the game.
Anyway, you are telling me that killing, hunting and converting was justified because Jews thought they are the best nation. It is a joke. People think and talk nonsense all over the globe.
For instance, didn’t almost every parent tell their kid his painting is the best? or he/she is the smartest.
There is nothing to excuse what had done to Jews in those dark times. You can blame first of all the ignorance of the majority.


Read on occasion even “The Merchant of Venice”. There you will find the reason for the general displeasure of Jews in the Middle Ages.

The religious background (they killed Jesus) was certainly designed only to justify pogroms. Probably most were even pleasant neighbors who just did not want to work Saturdays. Some cattle dealers (buyers) then it has already been exaggerated and brings collective guilt of it.

(sorry, google-translator) :slight_smile: [quote=“MacNille, post:1, topic:17592”]
If there is, will we be able to convert?
for which purpose?’’

The right education would make everyone open their eyes and see religion for what it is, pure fiction and a controlling mechanic with no evidence to support any of the claims.

But in saying that, I don’t hate or want to hunt anyone, religious or not.

Unless they are thieves/bandits/criminals in game that is :slight_smile:


What exactly they did? Im not aware of any extraordinary evil deeds… did you mean money lend?

Weren’t the jews forced into becoming money launders because every other business was close to them?

It always reads, Jews were not allowed to firm possession in the Middle Ages, so they were forced to all traders and moneylenders. That might be nonsense, because there were many cities in the Jewish quarter with significant trade courts and synagogues, many were scholars and doctors. Some have certainly lent money, not least of kings, incidentally, the first bank and the checks and bills beings originate from this period. In view of empty coffers, the repayment was often a problem, which then quickly led to assaults, to provide the evidence in the form of mortgage notes from the world. On such redemption events then all other debtors involved and already was a pogrom of it. How fair the business practices of moneylenders was in terms of interest and security, and whether the dealer sometimes exorbitant prices demanded in times of need, of course! Like today.
Only looks today the judiciary out in earlier times just not often. Even in Judea there was the so-called Jubilee, the 49th year in which all debts were canceled. Until then, the interest had all liabilities more than offset. In Christian times it was not because this procedure was spontaneous handled if the creditor insisted stubbornly on his claim. By the Christians something strange sounding Jewish customs (circumcision, hairstyle, prayer rituals), Jews excluded at all times from conscious and called Tolerance for themselves and a special position within the company, which was felt by dissident as dogmatism and pedantry. Over thousands of years has shaped a picture so what is sure most Jews do not do justice. But this phenomenon, we find not only against Jews. Assign of collective guilt is just a welcome means to enslave to people.

(sorry, google-translater)

Man liest immer, Juden durften im Mittelalter keinen festen Besitz haben, deshalb waren sie notgedrungen alle Händler und Geldverleiher. Das dürfte Quatsch sein, denn es gab in vielen Städten Judenviertel mit bedeutenden Handelshöfen und Synagogen, viele waren Gelehrte und Mediziner. Einige haben sicher auch Geld verliehen, nicht zuletzt auch an Könige übrigens, die ersten Banken und das Scheck- und Wechselwesen stammen aus dieser Zeit. Angesichts leerer Kassen war die Rückzahlung oft ein Problem, was dann schnell zu Übergriffen führte, um die Beweise in Form von Schuldbriefen aus der Welt zu schaffen. An solchen Tilgungsevents beteiligten sich dann auch alle anderen Schuldner und schon wurde ein Pogrom daraus. Wie fair die Geschäftsgebahren der Geldverleiher im Hinblick auf Zins und Sicherheit war und ob die Händler manchmal Wucherpreise in Notzeiten verlangten, klar! Wie heute auch.
Nur schaut heutzutage die Justiz hin, in früherer Zeit eben oft nicht. Selbst in Judäa gab es das sogenannte Jubeljahr, das 49. Jahr, in welchem alle Schulden erlassen wurden. Bis dahin hatte der Zins alle Verbindlichkeiten mehr als ausgeglichen. In christlicher Zeit gab es das nicht, da wurde dieses Prozedere spontaner gehandhabt, wenn der Gläubiger stur auf seiner Forderung beharrte. Durch die für Christen etwas merkwürdig anmutenden jüdischen Bräuche (Beschneidung, Haartracht, Gebetsrituale) grenzten sich Juden zu allen Zeiten bewusst ab und forderten Tolleranz für sich und eine Sonderstellung innerhalb der Gesellschaft, die von andersdenkenden als Rechthaberei und Pedanterie empfunden wurde. Über Jahrtausende hat sich so ein Bild geprägt, was sicher den meisten Juden nicht gerecht wird. Aber dieses Phänomen finden wir nicht nur gegenüber Juden. Zuweisung von Kollektivschuld ist halt ein willkommenes Mittel um Völker zu knechten.


Interesting question. I have my doubts.

Doesn’t the whole thing go back to Charlemange allowing jews in his kingdom/empire because Christians are forbidden to lend money at an interest (usury) and therefore combining the hatred of rich bankers and people from a religion who separated themselves from the rest of society (excellent mix to create myths and hatred).

Anyways this whole thread to me seems like


…not only this Thread :slight_smile:
But - “nice we speak over nothing”…

I am also Jewish, however, I like historical accuracy so I am not offended by what has happened in history. I look very forward to this game.

how about we just not address the jewish thing in the game at all and focus on fun things like horseback riding and duels…

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