Will there be seasons/chalender

I know Warhorse is working as hard as possible to make the game as realistic as possible. So I was wondering, can months pass by, leaves change color and fall, and weather cycles appear. I know it’s a stretch, but it would be a nice surprise if is there.

No, the events of Act 1 take place over a few months time in late spring early summer.

there will be weather mechanics including rain and storms but no seasonal changes.

It would be nice to have a date* - and to have differing routines on Sunday compared to a working day, and maybe a moon position and phase that varies over the course of time.

  • Perhaps have a requirement to complete some tasks before events move on without you.

I hope one of the next act is in winter. Mechanics similar to the skyrim mod “frostfall” would be fun.

If we ever see the release of any of the other acts I too would like to see winter and an actual transition from one season to the next.