1.4 a kind of a joke

200 bugfxes, seems serious to me. Would help to have the list of those.


Is it possible we get another update 1 april?

Seems like WH isn’t carefully following the notion/intent of a trace(ability) matrix to make sure code/config used for test pass is making its way into release package. You do this to make sure only the wanted things make it into the wild and not things you don’t want such as torch patch-bug (per Jan before) or the wrong data level patch-bug (per Daniel today)


Post 1.4: halberds not fixed, Rattay (cities) slideshow performance not fixed, main quest not playable… This game is starting to fulfill the definition of a scam/money-fraud (by selling it for full price as finished product).


1.4.1 Patch has been released. Why don’t you try that…

1.because the 1.4 saves will crash the 1.4.1 game? - brilliant stuff…
2.and becouse of this: Pestilence / Questions and Answers - Cutscene Crash to Desktop after 1.4.1
3.and wiat for few days which new bugs will 1.4.1 introduce. this is a bad joke.

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As hard as they’re trying to fix this game, there is only so much some people can take befoe they just say enough is enough and move on.


well, you might as well leave now tbh.
if you don’t care about the game, why do you play it?
sounds that you are ungrateful, it’s not supposed to be a AAA game.

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But people will say they paid AAA money for it though thats the thing.


Scam would be to take the money, and run for the hills. They are obviously still working on the game. So I doubt you can call that an outright scam.


selling unfinished product for the full price and not warn the buyer of it’s state shouldn’t be legal though…


It is a game that you can normall yplay from start to finish. So it’s a finished product. If you buy a chair you can sit on but that has a rough surface. It is finished. but it lacks polish.

Then again, software is diffrent from many physical things, and nowaday with increasing diversity in hardware combinations, catching bugs beforehand sadly is becoming increasingly difficult.

Telling people that the own product is flawed, is, however, marketing suicide. And I’d bet the deadline for release was set by the publisher. Telling folks the game is not quite baked through yet, would not only be bad marketing, but possibly also considered harming the publishers business, getting the devs a nice invitation to court.

I wish the game was (more or less) bug free, but it isn’t. the devs seem to be honestly at work trying to fix everything.

Sadly enough, buggy games are a staple of modern day gaming…

In my books, there is still a huge difference between someone getting in over his head, and putting in the efforts to correct his mistakes. and someone willingly and intentionally trying to cashgrab off people with no intent to eliver.


In the future, you should try talking in a way that means people can understand you. I shouldn’t have to say this.

Mod toolkit cough toolkit

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In this forum, there are software engineers, IT people and others who work in a federally regulated computer system environment. The concept of a traceability shouldn’t be alien to them. Traceability matrix is a way to trace a requirement specification (desired change) from development through testing and to implementation. You keep track of what changed and verify (QC/QA) only those changes that passed testing make it into production releases and that other changes don’t inadvertently get released


What are you on about frelmedieval? lol

Got a problem with what I said? Out with it

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Nope! I just don’t have a bloody clue what you’re on about. Traceability matrix??? Are you a lawyer or something?

All the corrupt KCD releases (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: torch after release, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: random encounters post patch, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: popins/graphics after release, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: save system, :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:broken main quests). It happens because of a lack of change control. Using a traceability matrix is one tool medical device software companies use to make sure you don’t die from faulty as f*** patches. They do so in accordance with good software practices and FDA(US)/EMA(Europe)/PMDA(Japan) regulatory expectation


At least I got some English out of you! ROFL

The thing is though. My game works very well as I’m sure so many others do. So if the problems are so arbitrary how can that be the fault of the developers? But I totally sympathise. If I was having a multitude of problems I’d be angry too. I had problems with assassin’s creed origins blue screen of death all the time. It wasn’t until some kindly soul told me to reduce my CPU cores to 4 instead of 8 that the problems went away. I complained about it and didn’t even get a response. I even damaged one of my pci express slots in the process of trying to fiddle around inside my computer to fix the problem. I’m not happy about that to this day.

Having said that, the pop in textures are still a bit of an annoyance. All I can say is I hope it gets sorted out for you soon.