16 gigs of ram minimum?

Wasn’t sure if this was indeed the case?

I am running 8 gigs, I take it i will have issues?

Yes I saw it too. Like WTF? I dont have 16GB…

Yeah, I have another 8 gigs on the way but it will be at least a week.

Well, @DrFusselpulli told that the final game should have arround 8gb as reccomanded, and it’s a few days since he told that. So weird if they have increased it that much…

16GB for the BETA. They will doing a lot of optimization until the release the final game. So maybe 8GB i correct for the Final Version.

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Been playing the BETA for 2 hours now maybe. So for ram usage got max to 8GB here, and have total of 16GB ram in my pc. I think it should not be a problem when you have 8GB ram in your pc. But I can’t tell you if its going to bottleneck the system when you only have 8GB. I hope my comment helps a bit. Have a nice day and enjoy the BETA!!!

If you don’t have any RAM installed, it would take you ~60€ to get 16GB. Most people will only need to add 8gb and you don’t have to pay more than ~30€ for 8GB kits. I don’t see the problem, since the prices dropped so hard in the last years.

I run BETA with 8 GB RAM and SSD harddrive without any problems.


Beta should also run with 8 GB, the 16 GB is just a recommendation. So give it a try :slight_smile:

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I see to get crashes sometimes with low on memory error, seems scaling down on objects, lod and vegetation distance helps to reduce crashes.

When he said that he meant FULL GAME. Optimization must happen first this is currently a Beta and at its current state its going to be Intensive as hell to the point where you can run this as a System Benchmark and Game :smiley:

This is my memory usage after just a few mins of play.
Make of it what you will.

And what is very interesting is that on my 16G of ram it seems to eat around 86% of virtual ram (I have no swap), but like 49% of physical ram (win 7 x64). Never saw anything like that.