Fighterplane- you seem to pick and choose your replies- ignoring anything of substance and rather prefer antagonising with a community who enjoy the game and may have been offering answers to your ill defined issue.
Im not challenging you. I speak on forums as I do with people from all walks of life. Honestly, enthusiastically, and not always ego based. (Only sometimes ego based )
Many on these forums have had to answer time and time again similar ‘complaints’, mostly from users who dont understand that this is an rpg goverend by character skill and not player skill only.
Develop the character (most advice given here-so far seemingly ignored), and combat will become easier.
Play with weapon types and combat styles. Open up iseful character skills (combat related), and build Henry somewhat.
A peasant, untrained in combat, without proper provisions is unlikley to take down four armed trained combatants. Controller skills isnt the be all and end all in character stat governed games.
Most people saying ‘get gud’, are likely just twlling you you havent played enough to develop your henry or learn the underlying mechanics.
Any reason ye not responding to any useful posts about shields and training new combat techniques?