The Quest with Blacksmiths lost hammer has much improved, BUT there are bugs…
The problem:
Lets pass the first day without talking to the smith. It´s now day 2.
If Henry talks to the blacksmith there is no talking option in the dialog for Locks and Keys. Only what´s wrong or about you.(bug?)
If you choose not the help the blacksmith, there isn´t the possibility to learn lockpicking (at day2).
A bad decision.
You can´t solve the quests (flute, larder, door ect.)
After choosing this option, it dosn´t help to find the hammer and bring it back. A fine dialoge with the blacksmith starts…
You have to bear the consequences (!!!very good!!!)
But now the bug:
After that the blacksmith goes home at noon, he sleeps all time. He wakes up next morning. His daily routine is damaged. He is only up for 4 hours.
(You get at day 3 morning the dialoge Keys and Locks again)(bug??)
The smith lost also his wood-chopping animation in the morning (alpha 0.21).(bug???) The animation should return in Alpha 0.4, or not?
That´s day 2 and 3 with the smith