Alpha Based Ideas

It would make it more realistic if the fire in houses and the forge changed with the time of the day, it does not need to burn very strongly in between of the meals. Especially in summer when the weather is warm it would make the rooms too hot. NPCs could kindle the fire while cooking and let it almost go out when not at home.


Nice thread. I donā€™t know if it fits in here but I have also some suggestions.

The graphics, atmosphere and immersion of the game are really awesome. But there are two visual artifacts that bother me a little bit.
-The LOD (Level of Detail) system is too visible with some not so beautiful pop ups.
-Polygonal looking wheels:

I know Iā€™m nitpicking here and that you can find ugly screenshots in every beautiful game. But I think that in the year 2014 with hardware capable of tessellation games should have nice round wheels.
I hope that it is technically possible to improve both of this without limiting the performance too much.

Thanks for reading.

5) Also double click equip in the inventory please.
i would say,
please not. It was a terrible thing in Oblivion

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I like this thread! I have one thing. So guys correct me if I am wrong. But I would like to see ifin this great game will be the people with different high, body weight etc. Not only different faces but many physical body proportions. Sry for my English. I am looking forward for more updates.

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Well, I have a remark noted yesterday, actually for chicken coops - this is not the way they should be made. In game, you see fairly open coop with spacing in the door and plank for chickens to go in, but in principle this is worthless.

Every fox or marten is allowed to go in and kill as many chickens as it likes. Also, it could be one of the actions for the villagers, to chase chicken into the coops with coming of the night - I was surprised to see so many chicken out at night :smiley:

  1. Where does blacksmith store his coal ? He has full furnace of it, but where the hell did he get it from ? And will it burn the whole night through on full flame ? I do pity his purse then :slight_smile:

  2. all flowers and movable parts of trees and bushes are moving simultaneously to simulate wind - well, if you look at the wind strokes, they are gradual, not ā€œeverywhere at same timeā€. it is more like a wave.

  3. When speaking of waves, the creek running through the village is strange - it is evenly broad all over it. It looks more like adrain.
    when you take a look at the real creek, it has more rapid places, then deeper spots, where the water is ā€œstillā€ etc. And it surely does not go evenly broad the whole way through the village.

  1. Animate Henryā€™s actions - door openings, picking items from the floor, etc.
  2. Make dialog options confirmable with left mouse click. Also, make mouseā€™ pointer show up in dialogs and use it for navigation. After all, this is PRIMARY a PC game and it should take advantage of the better hardware :smile:

You can navigate using the mouse wheel :wink:

This is not enough for me - I ā€˜smellā€™ console out of it.
I prefer a mouse pointer in addition to scrolling with mouse wheel. Also, selecting current option by left click.

For the love of all that is cute and cuddly, make the AI intelligent enough to not shut the door in my face. If I have to spend every encounter with a door waiting for a close animation and then initiating an open animation I may end up burning down a croft or twoā€¦

Would ditto the vote for a mouse-aware conversation UIā€¦

I too would will agree that I do not want to see motion blur either. It makes my head spin and can ruin the experience. I love everything else so far. I know itā€™s only tech alpha, but my goodness it looks BEAUTIFUL already. Butā€¦NO motion blur please :smile:

I know its not based idea but I wish could to see Kids in this game, playing around with each other and chase the chickens . That add more live to the town. I dont know why many games skip that important detail .

I think itā€™s partially because in many games like these, you can kill everyone in the world. But if you are able to kill children in a game, it will very soon be banned in many countries. So game devs either donā€™t add any children, or they make them immortal, which can get very weird. In the latest Fallout games, there are children, but they are immortal. So you could kill an entire settlement, and all that would be left is dead bodies and children playing. In the case of Fallout 3, they made the kid characters so annoying that you actually wanted to kill them.

Iā€™m sure they will add children later on and make them immortal. Hopefully they wonā€™t be annoying, just playing with sticks or chasing chickens or doing chores. And then when you show up and kill everyone in the village (if you want to do that), the children just run out in the woods and disappear, and I guess you could just imagine they get killed ā€œoff screenā€ by wolves or something. Or they go to the nearest village/castle and tell on you, and thatā€™s the reason people dislike you even if you left no witnesses alive (or so you thought.) Itā€™s always a bit weird in games where you kill a person and gain negative reputation even though no one could possibly have seen you.


If you want to take pictures without HUD, just press [~] on your keyboard. Dev console should show up and into it write ā€œg_showhud 0ā€ for disabling HUD and ā€œg_showhud 1ā€ when you want it back.

Of course they would flee. Especially if you run towards them. I live in a rural area, all the domesticated animals around my home (cows, sheep, horses, hens and muscovy ducks) will move away from you if you move towards them. Especially the avians. They move away from you if you walk towards them, and if you run towards them (like you do in KC), they freak out. The bigger animals like cows, sheep and horses might be more curious to actually sniff your hand and such, but if they donā€™t know you or you make sudden or quick movements, they run away. Doesnā€™t matter if they are domesticated, they are still flight animals (not flying aninals; but animals that flee.)


Good idea!
So a Request!? :blush:

True. But try to scare a bull or a male goat. :smiley: Maybe you would be the one who run.

Bed is something people had in this area. After 13 century the climate went cooler in this region, with stronger winters. The living room had an oven (that served for heat and mostly for warming of food, the opening and also cooking was in middle room so no smoke will get into living room), sitting area with table and beds. These are pictures from housing centuries later but i think the basic concept didnā€™t change.

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In first I am so impressed of this gorgeous game and I write below ideas not faults.

1) Better interaction of chickens. I know domesticationā€¦ ,but I donā€™t know any chicken which donā€™t react, when you run into. Also chickens should have same day cycle like people, so please make them go in coop when itā€™s night.
2) Totally agree on when is NPC busy, like the archer, when practising for some negative answer like: ā€œWait a minuteā€. Camera can lock, and u watch for some seconds NPC doing his stuff, then he will turn to you and start dialog.
3) Dressing. When knight/archer practising, itā€™s reasonable he is wearing plates of armor, but when he walks around and repairing his fence, itā€™s strange.
4) HUD options - stamina, compass
5) Doors. NPC closing doors in front of you, waiting when NPC closing them for pressing E button to open
6) There are variations of houses. Kitchen in middle or in side room. Living/pantry room left/right, but I expect more in future.
7) No motion blur, option to turn it off
8) I saw NPCs sleep on benches, pretty common for day labores and poor people (not so poor, they have house) , but some ā€œbetterā€ people can get small beds.
9) Currency is problematic, Iā€™m not historian, but Groshes were the smallest in value and almost the only coins in Bohemia that age. Yeah some German, Italien groshes, tolars, florents could appear. Plus barter trade dominate that time, especially in countryside.
10) Double click equip in inventory, not sure how hard is implement option to turn it on/off.
11) Physical proportions distinstion also age would be well received. About kids, not lawyer, but if someone said, that in some countries games are banned becouse you can kill children ( not sure why not banned for kill anyone else, murder is still murder why differ them), so this thing is problematic. I definitely want kids in game, now itā€™s on developers how to approach to this thing.
12) Fireplaces in houses fire nonstop, ok it can has several reasons like warm,cooking,drying things, but why blacksmiths fire fires nonstop?

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Hmm well any experience Iā€™ve had with domestic animals they dont show fear to humans. Ive had chickens let me pick them up multiple times they only freak out if i run near them. Ive been actually charged by a cow one time and the others didnā€™t care if i was near. I too live in a rural area.

I was just browsing through the bug list again - and the thing I would really like to see in Alpha is to play the damn flute, once I steal it from blacksmith :slight_smile:

Now another idea - would it be possible to implement falling over objects? like when you try to jump on a sheep i.e., or you run to jump over fence, but because of bad timing, you jump too soon/late? and you literally fall on your face? (in czech Henry si proste krasne rozbije drzku :smiley: )

It could also be beneficial for combat - maneuvring your opponent in front of riding horses, let him fall from bridge in some spectacular manner, offering finishing moves etc.