Alpha Bugfix-Only Update

I would like to ask for some “simple options” in the alpha patch:
*The option to crouch
*The option to sit at a table
*The option to sleep/rest in a bed or on a little bench
*The option to interact with objects (like a kettle or a an object on a shelf)

And if possible some extra things if it could be done:
*The option to drink (like ale at a tavern)
*The option to fish
*The option to ride a horse
*The option to pet a dog…or a chicken
*The option to help at work (like on a field)


If this happens I may spend my whole day there, doing my daily routine.
Wake up, go to work on the field then get some food with the blacksmith :smiley: after that going back to work, when I finish in the early evening I shall go to the tavern and then to my bed.


That’s the point, I also would like to do some stuff like that in the Alpha. Doesn’t have to all about battle and the likes, just some normal things would be more than fine for now.

Maybe… but my post was flagged and a message tells me something like
"If many user do it too i can lose my status of relationship"
This feature makes me nervous, and better as far away from discussions
that I risk my status in forum and to WH and some others

It was just a flag for other moderators to see your question, so they could answer you :wink: Don´t worry at all, everything is fine.


I’d like to be able to sit on the ground or on a bench.
On the ground would be cooler though and a really nice feature thats not implemented in any game I know.

Just sit there beneath the floating river, listening to the water, hear the birds singing seeing the wind sweeping through the fields.

it would just be a nice statement of slowing down and enjoyment in times everything goes faster and faster

I’ve seen the terrain testing area. Spent 20 minutes testing all the different terrains over and over again. Even stuff like that can be fun.
Please leave some stuff for people to explore if you test it anyway… XD

Edit: messed up the quoting

Okay i will take it easy… I thought this flag is like a warning or something.
but some other question
I know it is not necessary…
but you will replace the icon of Game.exe with a High Resolution one?
Or can i create one for you? (will send via mail)
I mean an icon with 256x256 size like on Vista/7

I’ve created my own wallpaper for the alpha and want to share it…
It’s created with content from your websites.
(was photgaphed and edited with SnagIt and PaintShopPro)
@warhorse , hope it is okay?
Res.: 1421x801

Simple but i like it!


Okay, after the coat of arms thread and some boredom…
4 hours of work, at least…
here is my own interpretaion of your Logo in color!
It was pretty hard for a beginner like me.
Created with Paint/ShopPro

For the Glory and Strength of the Warhorse Studios Family


I hope it is okay that myself use this Thread to release some media or similar?
Anyway, here is my new background for desk :wink:
(+Download Link for .PNG)

I love you for creating this awesome game.
You’re my heroes and you are for me as famous as Ken & Roberta Williams! <3
I can’t say you that often enough. :blush:
Each conversation about good computer games ends by me with the words,
“You’ve never played Kingdom Come Deliverance” :smile:

@WH_JiriRydl, @Anna or @TobiTobsen
I sent a special e-mail with a present to
(from mingoo81). :blush: :sunny:
I hope you all like it…
Not wonder, this is the second email address of my father.
he has pledged for me


People like it very much :-]


Unfortunately I have not so much idea how you can still integrate a completed file,
but I hope it can still be used for its predetermined purpose. :smiley:

How about this? :slight_smile:


Hey Thank you @Mafian94

@WH_JiriRydl, @Anna or @TobiTobsen
Are there perhaps some hints for the next alpha update
that you have a colored logo for the loading screens? :wink:


Nice, nice, nice!! Thank you very much son. God bless you.

Found the following screens with google on RiotPixel
archived them in 1920x1080 resolution!

And these are from another website and guy.
This is not my work!


Book Letters
Very nice looking letters from a geo caching page
with czech historical informations about familys!



Kingdom Come Deliverance - Tech Alpha v0.2
InGame Map .PNG Download
File: v0.2_Map.png
Size: 9,05 MB
Res: 2435x1917

recorded with Fraps and merged with Paint


Isn’t that a wonderful map??? :slight_smile:


The map is extremely awesome, great, beautiful, extraordinary
and wonderful too!
His creator/s is/are my favourite artist/s in that world <3

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