Alpha code missing - Report here!

I have a missing code KS, backer

I have a missing code, KS Backer

I have a missing code, KS Backer

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

EDIT: Changed web page profile e-mail to kickstarter e-mail. Working now.
I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

I have a missing code, KS Backer Baron Special Edition

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

Ok guys :slight_smile: Please check your profile. Everyone should have an alpha code right now.

Still nothing here :frowning:

Still doesn’t work for me :frowning:
EDIT: Got mine now, thanks to the team :wink:

Logged out and in again - nothing.
Empty “Paid Tiers” and still a soldier badge instead of baron.
EDIT: Got the code now, thanks! :slight_smile:

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

Pledge now appears!
But show code shows nothing.

We’re getting there! :smile:

YOu should have one. :slight_smile: You didn’t have assigned your KS tier. Enjoy

I have a missing code, KS backer

1 Like


Working now!
Many thanks!

Have a beer! :blush:

I have a missing code, KS Backer

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)

I have a missing code, KS Backer (KickStarter)