An update on Alpha?

Looks like there’s ‘possibly’ an announcement to be made on the 13th. Could be about when the Alpha/Beta is due.

Link is below.,228085

hm… I dont think so
I think there is no date currently maybe a planned one but nothing fixed
if something doesnt work correctly and problems occur they may have to delay the release.

But end of September (if everything works fine) or early October is good enough for me.
Would be even nicer if some day all of a sudden the alpha is released without any fixed date

or maybe the quick video update they’re talking about with something special in it


Can’t wait to hear something about this game, so psyched :slight_smile:

There is some interesting info on Alpha in the recent Igromania material:

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Today was released video 3 from the visit of Gameswelt at Warhorse Studio, where are details about Alpha.

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Please, could someone translate what they are talking about the alpha version? I don’t understand german. Thanks :wink:

No nemůžu říct, že jsem všemu rozumněl, ale i tak se to pokusím nějak shrnout :smiley:. Lokalita Alfa verze by měla vycházet z té vesnici ve videu kde mluví Dan (začátek 1:32). Updaty by měli být cca co 2 měsíce. První verze bude obsahovat jen pár interakcí, nějaké minihry a mechanismy. Postupem času budou přibývat další věci. Quest a nějaká větší lokace by měla přijít až v betě. Snad jsem to pochytil dobře :smiley:


There will be a translation and Tobi will work something out. I’m offering support for the translation. Just wait some time, guys. Gameswelt currently has some HR issues (sickness, vacation) which means not enough people to add subtitles or to redo audio for English speaking folks. IMHO it doesn’t make sense to translate the German dubbing of English sentences, right?

You’ll have to wait on Monday as @Bryionak from Gameswelt will talk internally with his team how to approach this topic. Most likely Tobi will update you on that.


So, early september is now gone, and we are in mid september, no translations of videos, no update, no nothing. And I really want something. A beep or a wink from the team would go a long way right now.
Love your work, I dont write this to be wining, just to show how impacient I am. Tobi! say something!!

On facebook they said that have a lot of work with alpha version.So we must be patient :wink:

…‘wink’… :)… something… :slight_smile:


Yes my dear friends, I am bothering Dan every single day :)… over and over again… the videoupdate is scheduled for Friday… But as always there can be a lot of things that come up which totally smash my plans :smiley: so it might be ready…next week… PROBABLY, HOPEFULLY, MAYBE… Choose any uncertain word you want :). I am sorry for the delays… but as you probably know… we are preparing the Tech Alpha right now… and on the other hand… the more you wait for the video the more cool stuff will be shown :smiley:


So much for “next video will come sooner since this one was late”. Haha. Never mind, we all knew it will happen :smiley: Alpha is priority, fingers crossed for smooth development.


It will definitely be sooner since Video Update #6 was released 07.05.14… :slight_smile:

6 --> 7 = 3 Months
7 --> 8 = 1 Month?!

And then we’ll get to hear some original music from the composer! I thought Daniel was talking about the Alpha, but I think with Tobi mentioning this timeframe, Daniel meant the video update. And in case you’re wondering: It (video update) will definitely be next week, hopefully this week… according do Daniel.

@YuusouAmazing Maybe next week, or by the end of this one.

— Daniel Vavra (@DanielVavra) 15. September 2014

We don’t like this word :). Always dangerous :slight_smile:

but you use it yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Take your time for the video but dont delay the alpha too much pls
I’m definitely looking forward to any update, a blogpost would be nice too :smile:

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According to the german Gameswelt videos the Alpha will be a TECH-Alpha, i hope everybody knows this and isn’t disappointed by the release of the Alpha. They stated in the videos that more features will be added in a more or less regularly period of time for testing purpose. The first time you will see KCD with story, quests… will be in the Beta.

Sorry for my bad english, just got the impression that some impatient guys are thinking they’re getting a fully playable game with the Alpha and will start a sh**-storm after release because they are disappointed. Don’t want this to happen.

your english is good, at least from what I can say as a non native speaker.
No worries I know the alpha is going to have only few things to test out and the community knows that, but I’m still pumped
And I dont want anyone to think that the alpha is going to be like a real game.