Preparing the remedy doesn’t work/antidote problem

I brew the antidote potion with success, it’s in my inventory. However, when the priest brother monk person asks if I have it with me, I answer no automatically.

Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug?

Did you brew two?

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No:( ooooops, when did it say I need two :stuck_out_tongue: But thanks!

Well, that didn’t work either…

Ah well, it’s 1/3 warnings. Monestary is terrible.

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Ohh, I have to make three potions? So onduidelijk

I was in that monestary for a long time never seen them ask for three, just consistently 2

Well, now I got three antidote potions, but its still not good/objective isn’t changed. Has anyone encountered the same problem?

Five antidotes and still nothing… sigh

Did you try to reload to an earlier save?
It sounds like a bug… You can send a Bugreport to
would be good to attach savegames to the mail so they can figure out why the quest didnt work.
Anyway I hope you can figure it out somehow still
I’m not as far in the story so cant really tell why it didnt work

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Thank you! I’m going to try it one more time. I reloaded a save when I started just before I got the quest

Soooooooooooo turns out you had to make Merhojed remedy instead of antidote? Am I completely retarded or did everyone else got the right recipe next to the alchemy table? Anyway, instead of nettle I needed to use valerian… sigh