►Beta 1.0 Bug List (glitches and funny things)

I guess it looks like that no one has sound. :slight_smile: That must be the adaptive sound system which knows I like things calm :wink:

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oke so after i completed the arena training every one attacked me end killed me xD

Wel of to a good start, I have no more sound after the cutscene when starting a new game.
But it looks real nice :slight_smile:

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: ►Beta 1.0 Bug List (glitches and funny things)

I can’t take a screenshot because it happens for a brief split second when moving the sword around in my hand i.e between different positions the very distant landscape twitches to white and back to full color again.

Ran into a problem with the sword training in Merhojed. I fought the trainer for a while after the tutorial, going until either he tapped or knocked me out (if either are possible).
Not sure how long afterward, but he finally stood near a broken portion of the fence and put his sword down. I took a couple of shots at him, and the training ended.
…every fighter in the camp drew their weapons and charged me. Either there’s a bug that made them think I was assaulting someone, or it was intentional because no one beats the trainer and they’re not about to let Henry tell anyone otherwise.

It rains in the houses.

(Same bug like in Fallout4) :slightly_smiling:

Talking about Talmberg.
No voice at the guard.

I Knocked out a guard at the bathhouse. He disappeared complete…

KCD icon on Desktop is still Alpha.

And the same bugs like in Alpha…

Torch dosn´t work at a dialog.
Torch dosn´t work on a horse (riding).

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I know you have something from me! :grin: :sunglasses:

During training there is a place holder for the wooden short sword.


after the swordfighting training, everyone came at me for some reason. im not entirely sure if thats like that for everyone or if its my fault, as i knocked the trainer out of the ring during training…


on the way to encampment from starting castle, stopped to buy from a merchant leaning against a wall. bought bow + 40ish arrows.
got to encampment, did 1 archery round, made it to 20 points with maybe 7-8 arrows and won.
received money. checked inventory and all but 1 of my arrows disappeared from my inventory. and no, i didnt shoot 40 arrows prior.

I noticed severe texture streaming issues. I suppose they are aware of this but just wanted to point this out in case they’re not.

At the quarry:
Looks strange.

Old AMD bug (only at Object quality very high)

Talmberg chest in the tavern:
After lookpicking; you can take (not steal)

On the left side 8, on the right side -13 ???

The visibility don´t change with a burning torch in the hand (in the night).

Torch at lookpicking doesn´t work.
Torch at picking herbs doesn´t work.
Jumping over fences, with torch… you know…

Torch in the left, axe in the right. Hitting makes a funny animation.

Torch is bound to key 1 like the sword/axe. Why not to key 3???
If pressing key 1, pulling out torch and sword.

Crounching with torch, knocking out doesn´t work.
When people are knocked out, you can´t disarm them (or generally loot).
Knocked out time is to short.
After they wake up (after knocking out) they know you have done this. Why?

Food rottens (much) too fast (in the inventory of the player). Everywhere else it doesn´t rotten. Bug? Feature?


I love the rain effect, sound and visual, but there is a problem with the visibility of the puddles.

Moving some meters forward and the shadow “jumps” and the puddle is visible in the circle in the above picture.

I found this behavior here:

There is no sound when riding with your horse through deep water, like the lake at Talmberk f.e

Nice, that they fixed the sound issue last night, i’m really enjoying the beta so far :slightly_smiling:

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I can’t sleep or skip time because it says that I’m in combat. I only had one combat scenario (Spoiler??) In the mill and I killed all of them but one who ran away. I can’t find him either because it became night so I cant see s*it. And of course I can’t sleep the night because of this problem. I have been running around trying to find him a good while now.

Have you saved and loaded again? Maybe it´s a save bug…

I haven’t tried it since before when I tried to load a save the game crashed so I feel a bit afraid to try.

Same here. Glad I’m not the only one that had that happen.