Can't sleep

Same problem… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I can’t sit down in the Quest or going to sleep…

Hmmm. Gee…let’s see…wonder how this potential loss of game progress could be averted? Let’s hope these players don’t have their gaming session interrupted by real life needs. Unimportant stuff like eating, sleeping, using the bathroom, spending quality time with friends/family, trolling strangers on the web via social media, doing homework/working for a living etc etc.

Hmmm… Gee…If only we could save the game whenever we wanted–and NOT have it coupled to the bed/sleep feature. That way if this RP feature is broke, it wouldn’t FUBAR my entire game progress… :roll_eyes:

#Is vaguely wondering how the hard core, Dark Soul purists are going to spin doctor this one#

@Bu7esan The bath service is free with the troubadour speech perk.

You can save whenever you want. Savior snapps…but I guess if a player is silly enough to not save for 5 hours then they probably waste these and never replace them.

I had the same bug but i fixed it. Did you run away from combat? I did and I got the same issue. I fixed it by saving and then reloading. After that i fell asleep constantly under ground but I could get out of it by using the fast travel.

Am still in the start. Am performing quests and engaging in trades so I can afford a save. The ultimate peasant!

What?? You ARE j/king, right?

You DO realize you’re paying the dev $60 to gamma test their buggy release? Yet have this jaded response to such a major bug. I’m confounded…

I can’t sleep neither.
You made a great job with this game even if they are few bugs. But this one is very frustrating. I can’t heal myself by sleeping and so… I die very often. And I failed some missions because of that. For me, this is the biggest bug to fix :slight_smile:

I’m not condoning the bugs, I was simply explaining how i fixed it. I got pretty mad when I was stuck underground but I fixed it and it hasn’t happened since.

I don’t really get worked up about stuff like that either. Sure, they should’ve tested the game a lot more but at the end of the day it’s not about life and death.

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That’s more like a beta version than a real release… But, hey ! This is a independant game :slight_smile: And a really good one so, yes I agree with you :slight_smile:

No one is saying it’s a bad game. I’m really enjoying gameplay, but those bugs bro…

Sleep / sit bug is just beggining. I keep getting abducted by aliens and so does my “sweetspot” meanwhile lockpicking.

Same here. Im think that it started for me when i tried to use the baths and it buged out and i punched the wall to get out. This needs to be fixed right now!!! I can accept bugs but when they prevent you from playing the game its not OK. Maybe this bun came out of the oven 6 months to early…

So I couldn’t sit or sleep or anything. I’m pretty sure this all started when I tried to sit somewhere at the baths outside talmberg - was the first time I got stuck in place (and had to pull out sword to get out of frozen state) .

I couldnt find any workaround for the sleeping/sitting bug. So I went to a previous save point just before I did went to the baths and continued (staying the hell away from the baths!) and game has been fine since then…

It started at the same moment for me… Maybe that’s a clue

Yep I’m afraid to say it guys it’s also happening to me … I to have had struggle sleeping. Since i bought this game i bet ive only had about 10h real sleep :slight_smile:

Same issue here on PC. At first I could not sit to sleep and save so I used a Schnapps and saved. On reload Henry is now sat on the bed. I can sleep and save but when i press ESC to get up he immediatly sits back down. Up down up down and no key press makes any difference. This needs fixing ASAP as is very game breaking

The baths has nothing to do with it, just make sure you don’t get stuck ANYWHERE

i had this bug too. had to roll back a couple hours to an earlier save.

Here is a fix for this bug

This is a different glitch. Not the same.