Consoles unplayable due to Halberd bug

I love this game, but do not understand why this hasn’t been hot-fixed immediately. I understand the certification process takes time, but the best course of action would not have been to release patch after patch back to back, delaying certification each time.

As it stands, the game is absolutely unplayable on both of my saves, after 10 hours of play time its a jittery, glitch slideshow with 5000000 halberds laying all over. this should have been fixed first, or give console players the option to revert back to 1.3 in the meantime.


Hi, I’m also affected by the halberds bug (vanillaPS4), in my case there’s just a few ones standing in the floor, exactly 3 in the south entrance and 6 in the north. Don’t ask me why, but my game has become a slideshow now, my overal frame rate in the wilds are between 17 and 20, gets worse in small towns and a joke in Rattay.

I’m always very “conservative” when I play RPG games, trying not to stress the game with crazy actions and my problem started after 60h of gameplay! This is totally unacceptable. :joy:
If this is related with the halberds bug then I hope it gets fixed with the upcoming patch, I don’t want to start a new game just to find another game breaking bug after xx hours of gameplay.

Good luck!

At last, someone understands my pain. I recently started a new game, and was overwhelmed by how smooth it ran compared to my first playthrough. Now I live in constant fear as the halberds appears, one by one, slowly dragging the frame into oblivion. HAlp

Hi guys,

I posted a tip to deal with the halberds, it’s here.
This was done on PC but there’s no reason it won’t work on console, worth a try at least.

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