Crash on Day 24

Update: I received an Email from War Horse saying they will fix this in the upcoming patch. For now I am just starting a new save and speed running with merciful play through

Hi Im currently at a problem I cannot seem to fix. On day 24 the game crashes to Desktop between Hours 22 and 23. Before this the game had maybe 2 crashes in 20+ hours of play time. Now the game is unplayable.

Computer Specs
Windows 7
Gtx 1060
I7-6700k Skylake
8gigs of DDR4 Ram

Quests Recently Completed
House Of God
A Costly Brawl
On the Scent

Current Quests:
I have about twenty but the ones Im currently progressing on are:

Sports of the Kings- Racing starts at noon the next day
fixing philips Bone at the Monastery
Stealing a Deed from the Bailiff of Ratay for the Miller
Searching for Father Simon

Link to Quest Log and Completed Quests

Things I Have Tried

Running the computer on the lowest settings with 100+ fps
Reloading to a save hours before talking to the stable master to where he sets up the race for the next day.
Reloading to a save thats a day before in game
Physically waiting for the time to pass
Fast Traveling
Removing my entire Inventory into a chest
Validating Files with Steam
Setting KCD Priority to High In Task Manager
Killing The Herald Of Rattay (Tourney Quest Giver)

I’ve spent hours searching these forums and reddit, and while there are plenty of Threads, none of them have any answers other than wait for an update. Making this topic to help raise awareness. Have already sent an Email to their Support

there is already a thread about this Crash to Desktop at a Certain ingame Time