Dan Vávra: The Facts and Research behind Kingdom Come RPG

[quote=“loksley, post:15, topic:16193, full:true”][…]
I was nearly driven away by the hate from those “authenticity is unimportant and also a very bad word” -gamers… but now I have this vision in my mind of thousands of school children who are learning on the basis of KDC, how medieval REALLY was… […]
“Relax, it’s just a game” is not working for me anymore. :frowning:
Hey, but you’re not talking about me here, mate, do you? :wink:

Relax, it’s just a game. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope the game won’t get a teen label just to enable it to be used in schools… :smiley:

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Thaks for breaking this down. I’ve just remembered the words of developers from Naughty Dog, who developed Uncharted 3. They had confessed, that they always start with gameplay mechanics of some locations and particular situations and implement them into the story later, and that’s how it works for videogames. So I don’t believe that WH say, that story is secondary and gameplay is primary. It’s just about how the games get done.

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