Final Kickstarter Total: 1,106,371 GBP

Hopefully I’ll be able to back once you guys get the paypal up! Congrats!

Congrats @warhorse and all fellow backers! Way to step up to the plate and prove that dreams do come true! :smiley: So excited to be a part of such an awesome project and to prove that U.S. gamers (and lots of other countries, too) DO want something like this! It’s going to be a wonderful ride.

Congrat @warhorse! The fate of your game is now completely in your hand :slight_smile:

So stoked for Warhorse and us backers! This game is EXACTLY what I have been hoping for for the last 15 years!. Congratulations for all the hard work you guys have done so far!

Congrats! You deserve it! :smiley:

YES! I’m so proud to be one of your early backers! And there are more who will follow, just like my brother - who has no credit card but will happily use his paypal account on your website!

Can’t wait for Alpha ! :smiley: You guys rock!

Congratulations! I want to play alpha so bad !!

Congratulations Warhorse!

I hope my pledge and everyone else’s help you guys make the best game you guys can and help you succeed.

Can’t wait to play!

I am really curious to see what they end up actually getting after they shed the ‘fake’ pledges and deadbeats who can’t pay. Either way I’m still stoked about this campaign!

Great job Warhorse on raising such a sum of money. Your passion for the game (especially Dan’s) is infectious. I wish you all the best, and once the hangovers have cleared, go and make the game you dreamed of making.

PS I told my 6yo nephew I had backed your game, showed him some footage, and he asked me if there would be Zombies in it :smile:

An incredible total, well done!!!

Well, what can I say?

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£1,106,371 stuck_out_tongue nice game gz

@MadSmejki Is the guy in the front dead, drunk, or just sleeping? Either way, he’s not as excited as we are! :blush:


So which one is the lush? :slight_smile:

Excellent! Can’t wait to see what they do now that they know the demand is here. I wonder which producing agencies will come crawling asking to slap their name on the title.

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Congrats, Warhorse (: