For Honor?

If i apply your logic.
What is wrong with half naked ninja women with double D cups exposed fighting with their ass bouncing all over the place? Ninja did exist, women still exists, D cups exists, asses do bounce.
So i can say that, half naked ninja women with double D cups exposed fighting with their ass bouncing all over the place, are good balance between historical acuracy and appealing to mass audience.

And even if i apply my own logic. I have to say that, i find women with bouncing asses more appealing than that steroid filled Skyrim cosplayer who should be viking.


No, it doesn’t. That changes what they think of it, not what it actually is.

What random people think of something doesn’t change what it objectively is. Their perception is just that, their perception, it has no bearing on reality itself.

Who cares? They’re incorrect, that’s the end of it. It doesn’t matter or change anything.

We’re saying it’s inaccurate PERIOD, you’re adding “in the view of the avergae joe” because you’re struggling to defend an insane position. Whether it is accurate to random people was never the contention, but whether it is simply accurate.

No, it doesn’t. Prove it. Prove that whether a representation is accurate changes somehow (effectively altering reality itself) based on the person looking at it. Prove it.

Not really, they look more realistic, but their accuracy is severely off as well. We’re talking about the whole game, stop trying to shift focus around.

You’re a lunatic. You’re conflating perception of reality with reality itself. People believe something to be true, that doesn’t make it true even a little bit, only in their own minds.

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You do comprehend that by this logic, when I called you a Daft Cunt it is true until you prove us otherwise.

Well now, we are all keen to see how you do mental gymnastics out of this one.


It became so edgy

These people care, ofc to you, someone who holds a different view from them, you won’t care, because why should you? to you, THEY are the ones in the wrong. However, to these people, they are RIGHT, they haven’t been proven wrong, yet.

To the people who knew exactly how a viking looked like, yes. I am not defending any position, I put in the “average Joe” because FH isn’t catering to you history nuts like KCD is, FH is catering to the masses, so ofc they should care how the average Joe thinks.

I mean come’n lol.

Accuracy of something depends on what you see as “accurate” or real. The best way to do that is to see an actual example, ie real viking armor. However, if all you see are romanticized representation of vikings, to you, that IS the truth. That truth only changes when someone comes along and show you a set of real viking armor. That truth changes again if a third person comes along and tell you that, the armor you just seen isn’t historically accurate, and he shows you an even more accurate viking armor.

Comprehendo?[quote=“Wicker, post:43, topic:31604”]
Not really, they look more realistic, but their accuracy is severely off as well. We’re talking about the whole game, stop trying to shift focus around.

No the topic were pretty solely centered around the vikings, lol.

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. – Plato

Yes, that’s exactly it. However by that same logic, I can call you a brainless whore and this argument would get nowhere. So I wouldn’t, as I am a man not fond of petty insults, unlike you, but of great discussions wherein we learn about our differences and ultimately gaining new insights of each other and thus improve our own knowledge base.

Your move.

No, they aren’t.




Not true.

There is no logic here, just an insane assertion based on nothing.

No, in that scenario you thought you were right. You were wrong the entire time.

It doesn’t, you’re arguing that reality itself is based on perception, which is ridiculous.

They have been proven wrong, they simply aren’t aware that it’s happened. They are objectively wrong, and so are you. Disagreeing or having a different view changes nothing.

No it doesn’t. Someone believes they can lift 3 trucks with one hand, in your mind this is accurate because they believe it. It isn’t, they objectively, factually incorrect, no amount of belief will change that.

They believe it is the truth, and are incorrect. It doesn’t matter what someone believes to be the truth, we’re talking about the actual truth here.

What they believe changes, the truth is utterly static. The entire time they believed it, they were totally wrong.

[quote=“NoHonor, post:46, topic:31604”]
No the topic were pretty solely centered around the vikings, lol.[/quote]

And yet you’re replying to a quote addressing something you said about Samurai. Good job there.

Your argument hinges on reality being subjective, and basically asserts that no one can possibly be wrong AT ANY TIME. You’re actually saying it’s impossible to be wrong about something
 You’ve done nothing to prove this, only made assertions. “Your move” fucking LOL. You are a brainless cunt, as you’ve yet to prove otherwise. Because that’s how it works apparently.


FH looks like comedy larping, with poorly made props.

None of the factions are at all ‘accurate’ - at least in the “hero” figures. Didn’t notice the peons much, so they might be better.

To come on to a forum where the developers are working really hard to produce accurate representations of the equipment and environments you would expect to see in a C15th rural Europe and to make such ridiculous claims about this UBIsoft microtranaction cash cow is not credible, nor accurate.

I am not at all reluctantly agreeing with the assessment made by McWonderBeast.

Having watched a little of “lets play” of FH ‘story’ and multiplayer modes
 I don’t think I would play if I were paid to. Certainly not buy it, and then add gear for cash. Not for me, and I’d not recommend it to my worst enemy (unless I also wanted them to fail at mediaeval history 101).


No this is simply false. Accurate is an objective term your perception has no influence on it, again I refer you to the definition of the word itself.

You see with your logic on accuracy being subjective, because I think I am right I will always be right.

When someone believes themselves correct and believes that correctness is based on how they feel about being correct, then they can never learn. Because they cannot be wrong or proven wrong because they believe themselves correct, reinforced with the belief that they are right because they feel that way.


I witnessed the edgiest argument kn the world.

Totally convinced!

You just converted me, holy shit dude!

I mean it’s not like ubisoft has bills to pay or anything right? I mean to hell with make a living, let’s just cater to the history nuts instead of the masses, who are much more numerous.

how do you know 1+1 = 2 though? you were taught that way, but does that mean what you been taught are always right?

not true.

every assertion has a logic behind it, whether people want to admit it, however, is a different story[quote=“Wicker, post:47, topic:31604”]
No, in that scenario you thought you were right. You were wrong the entire time.

but our perception of what is “right” and “wrong” changes all the time. Remember when people thought, for sure, that our solar system is geocentric? And Nicolaus Copernicus, among others, proved that the solar system is actually heliocentric? We are “right” until we are proven “wrong” by another notion we perceive as the new “right”.

Then do tell, what is our reality then? I mean it’s not like what we conclude as “reality” is merely the sum of all of our senses and how our brain interprets them.

Don’t be so quick to dismiss an idea you don’t agree with.

They have not been proven wrong because nothing has been shown to them LOL, like, if you believe 1+1=3 and I know in my heart that 1+1=2 is the right answer, does that automatically means you are wrong? NO, you are only wrong when I prove to you mathmatically that 1+1=2 and not 3. How do we know that we are not in the matrix? well because so far, there is no evidence to suggest that we are. Until we are proven wrong[that we are indeed in the matrix], we are right in asserting that we are living in the real Earth and not a computer simulation of it.[quote=“Wicker, post:47, topic:31604”]
No it doesn’t. Someone believes they can lift 3 trucks with one hand, in your mind this is accurate because they believe it. It isn’t, they objectively, factually incorrect, no amount of belief will change that.

Until they try to life 3 trucks and break their hand, they are right to their belief.

How do you know what you believe is the “actual” truth? All I need is 1 piece of horned viking helmet to prove you wrong. Again, truth is fickle in that it is based on our current understanding of how something works, as long as we are not shown with a more accurate “truth”, what we believe IS right, because there are nothing to suggest otherwise.

But you can NEVER prove you are 100% right, thus there are always room for doubt. Which is why most everything in science can be overthrown with 1 experiment proving something isn’t as we thought them to be. So while the “truth” might be static, what we view as “true” is always changing, because our understanding of the world is imperfect at best.

It’s called I was trying to change the subject from focusing solely on vikings to other warriors classes in FH.

Reading is hard.

Reality is subjective, you are right until you are proven wrong. That’s the key term you are always forgetting proven. How do we know Earth isn’t flat? well, we did it via mathematical calculations and more recently with satellite images proving that Earth is round. Otherwise, without proof, you can say Earth is a giant triangle and it would be impossible to say you are wrong, because I can simply ask “show me otherwise”.

Once again, you seem to have a fondness for insulting others while they are simply trying to have a civil discourse with you. Did you mother never taught you any manners, or were she just as rude as you are?

Doesn’t matter really, because it’s your move, once again, my foul mouthed sir.

so if a tree falls in a faraway forest, and I say “oh a tree fell in that forest”, am I right? well, yes, because to me, a tree did fell, however to you, I might be wrong because you believe all the trees are still standing. It is only until we go there and prove “oh indeed a tree fell” that you become wrong and I remain in the right, because your notion of what is “true” just changed by proof.

Let not the definition of a word cloud your judgement of what is right or wrong, but your own thoughts and logic.


Anyone that reads this thread can see you’re a lunatic. I’m not wasting more time explaining why the fabric of reality doesn’t change based on your thoughts. Go away.

@NoHonor I would like to apologize on behalf of this forum. @McWonderBeast and @Wicker do not represent us, and I think most will agree with me when I say beating up on a special needs kid is never ok.

I hope they haven’t made you feel unsafe here. :kissing_closed_eyes:


Time to close this.
To much personal attacks
 No honor!!!