"Git gud" or stats-based gameplay; not both

I like how leveling up swords give you access to different combos. That’s how it should be. I don’t think we should be able to level up strength and stuff like that. Combat should be skill-based and quality of armor and weapons (which also need to be toned down) instead of your stats modifying damage and damage taken.

I regret taking that perk that increases your stats when you kill someone. As soon as I kill the first opponent, the rest die to 1-2 hits.

I agree.

Been playing for around 30hrs. The game is way too easy.

Except combos are worthless. Late game enemies will not stay alive long enough for you to pull them off and secondly skilled enemies won’t let you swing a weapon that long. The only way to pull off a combo is a feint, which the AI aill almost undboutly parry/riposte. Fients almost never work. (you can use them on bandits.) The only way to pull off a combo is against a heavy plate armored knight (they are random.) And starting one after a won clinch. Or after some master strikes. If you run in and try to combo you will get your ass handed to you.

I was also pretty annoyed by the combat being stat based rather than skill based. It was impossible to fight the guards at the start, you can’t hit anyone as they block everything unless you time your very slow attacks for the moment they strike at you, and the guards basically killed you in one hit.

But what really annoyed me, was they taught me how to attack… but never taught me a thing about how to block. More disturbingly, at high levels, the game becomes woefully easy, where you become a one man demi-god.

Still, I accept the stat-based nature of the game. My suggestion to the devs is to make enemies at high levels mopre challenging.

The combat was a blast at first… But after hitting level 10 it became way to easy. Now I’m level 15 and half the enemies surrender without fighting and the other half either surrender or die after 1-3 hits from sword or mace. This game needs difficulty. Love the archery though.

The reason is given, indeed, however he should not be leading the line. It’s a gimmick, not a realistic decision. “Hey let’s sacrifice this kid who has scouted the camp and ingratiated himself.”

It’s a pity the narrative is written like a fairy tale.

I don’t hope much for the devs fixing this. Hopefully modders will rebalance the game to feel more authentic and exciting.

I’m not a military expert or anything, though I am very successful at this game, but have you tried not getting flanked?

Move. Run. Create space. Practice archery so you can hit torsos or especially legs consistently as enemies approach you. Sneak to get an advantageous position before engaging in combat. Hell, if all else fails and you can’t kill anything the game still has you covered. Sneak into their camp at night and but Bane (the death potion) in the bandit camp’s food. Strangle them all in their sleep. The game gives a shitload of options. If you can’t succeed, it’s user error.

I’ll concede that lockpicking could maybe use a tweak. Pickpocketing is what so believe needs to be adjusted.

It sounds to me like your enjoyment of the game is mostly being hampered by your mental attitude. You’ve repeatedly stated that you don’t want to have to replay a scene over and over and over again but guess what… you don’t have to. Sometimes in life, we make mistakes. We’re not all perfect. In life, when we make a mistake, we find a way to deal with the consequences but you’re trying to play the game as if you were completely incapable of making any mistakes at all. If you make a mistake, you’re blaming it on the developers, “…random failures that are totally the fault of poor stats…” and reloading that scene again and again and again instead of just accepting that sometimes things don’t go just the way you thought they would, dealing with the consequences, and continuing to play the game in the way in which it was intended to be played.

In short, the only arbitrary time suck here is you.


I don’t think you read my post very well. I argued that the “realistic combat” selling point doesn’t feel very fun to play, because combos leave you very open to be flanked. You cannot use combos while moving, running, creating space, or the dozens of other options you list.

Skill has nothing to do with game theory that does not reward clever playing. I don’t know if you are on console, but the PS4 controls are not responsive enough to allow for fast target switching.

I literally spent 60 dollars on a modern release to return to Mount and Blade.

Lockpicking isn’t a breeze, but with a bit of practice it is quite ok.

I am on PS4 and have very little problem switching targets.

I fought a 1v3 sword fight last night as a matter of fact. Use R3 to cycle enemy targets.

this is not a discussion about skill, but rather designing fun and rewarding gameplay.

i’m glad that you can fight three whole enemies at once, sick brags, thanks for missing the point.

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Okay, whatever dude. Refuse to accept that if you put in some practice you could master target switching. Whatevs.

I’ve put in a solid 40 hours on this game. I’ve killed the entire bandit camp at Prybilisk, or whatever. I’m not saying I can’t kill 3 people at once, or target swap, I’m saying that it’s not very fun. Not only is it not very fun, but Mount and Blade STILL DOES IT BETTER for a fraction of the price with no technical problems.

On top of all the practice I’ve put in, this game has corrupted literally every single playline I’ve ever started, so forgive me for not feeling very generous with any other system in the game.

This is a dumpster fire of a game technically, and game theory wise it isn’t doing much better. Try googling all of the stretch goals on Kickstarter that they don’t have. Go use some of those other stealth systems you hyped in a previous post and realize how clunky and bugged they are. I’m just going to get my moneys worth out of my 60 dollars by sharing with everyone just what a poor experience this game has been for me.

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I know I’d personally love to do a re-playthrough of the game with a mod that dramatically reduced the impact of player / NPC stats, and increased the importance of weapon timing, direciton, feinting, combos etc.


Know what man, your first paragraph? Cool, I’ve never played M&B. I’m a console player. So, I can’t comment, all I can say is I’ve had fun with this game.

I’ve also is no problems with save corruption, so I cannot relate.

Last paragraph, that’s all you man. Preach what you feel man.

…Git gud. The lock picking is easy once you get the hang of it. Sorry I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time. Just play it a little more with an open mind.

Skill is supposed to be at odds with stats… Another case of made because bad.