Giveaway for Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Wait I was counting him who else did you give a copy?

gave one too "King_Abraham_III " earlier in the year


Awesome so as far as I am aware that will be 6 copies total given out by the community.

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i want that too ten by the end of this year ! :slight_smile: more people we get involved in the game the better


If I get much bigger which is most likely going to be over the e3 period i want to give away a few more copies to people. atm I canā€™t really afford much, yeha i get views on yt but the revenue system sucks now. hardly get many munies $$$ :frowning:

just keep putting videoā€™s out there and your break will come . get some momentum and you will go far :slight_smile: nothing in life is instant especially when it comes to making money :slight_smile:


I know, these last two months where ive concentrated on info/hype videos i have seen a growth so hopefully it shall continue :smile:

yea , just got to keep up to date on the new hypes . any big games that come out get some gameplay and you should get some attention .

although some constructive criticism here :slight_smile: your very clear and informative in your videos but you should let your personality come out more .
as all the big youtubers are also big personalities as well :slight_smile: help draw people into you as a person more than just gathering info from that singular video and not subscribing :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll try and do so but tbh i donā€™t really have much of a personality apart from cringy things. Iā€™ll add in a few things but my live streams and stuff are for people who want me.

just relax and let it come naturally like you would with your mates :slight_smile:

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Have you not seen the most successful tubers mate? :grin:

A great way to get loose and let yourself go is to get naked and practice in front of a full body mirror ( know you only use your voice but this practice can help)

I hate Pewdiepie with a passion, hence why i dont want to be accused of silly unfunny cringy humour

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wait we are talking about his youtube videos right :slight_smile:

but he does make like 4 million a year :smiley:

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I donā€™t care! its more than 4 mill but still. I hate his content. Itā€™s too easy I need some sort of challenge and satisfaction. being pewdiepie, or pewdieshit as i like to call him would be horrible. I would prefer to do what im doing for min wage and just live but enjoy myself then be rolling in cash:P

cant say ive ever watched his videos really . only channel i really follow religiously is "failarmy " gives me shits a giggles every Friday while i eat my lunch :slight_smile:

Hi!Iā€™m a big medieval age and FPV fan,i want to know that giveaway is done?

Nope it is still going on. follow the instructions in the video below.

There are 3 total copies for this giveaway that will be given out over the course of E3.


The first video in which has the giveaway in it has recently hit 1k views within 24 hours which is pretty cool. keep on sharing it out folks!

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so we didnt quite make 1k likesā€¦ currently 98. but i will be giving away the first one tonight.