Well this is a very interesting Story. The same counts for me too, OFP is in my personal opinion the best game ever build.
Yes, the ArmA series is somehow better in Gameplay, but the ArmA series is build on top of Operation Flashpoint. And the Step from games before Flashpoint to Flashpoit is way bigger then from Flashpoint to ArmA. I really like the high amount of realism in this games, and thats why I am a huge fan of Kingdom Come Deliverance too, and thats why I am working for Warhorse Studios right now.
However, whe don´t only have the lead designer of Mafia (Daniel VĂĄvra), we also have the leaddesigner of Operation Flashpoint (Viktor Bocan), and to make it even more interesting here, we also have the leaddesigner of Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising (Martin KlĂma), which is very funny as Dragon Rising was build as a counterpart to the ArmA series in order of the former Publisher of Operation Flashpoint.
After the dispute of the Developer of Operation Flashpoint (Bohemia Interactive) and the Publisher (Codemasters), Codemasters had the right of the Name, and they developeted a second part called Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising while Bohemia Interactive developeted their second part of Operation Flashpoint too, which was called ArmA.
And now we have the lead developers of both sides together in one team. They are both great and capable people and they work really well togther. But this is a really funny story.