Horse Armor - Has anyone got it yet? If so, how?

Caparison I have has 2 stab def, 8 slash def and 2 blunt def. so that’s why I said there’s non metal horse armor … akin to game considering linen shirts to be ‘armor’

Yes but caparisons go in the “Cover” slot, not the “Head Armor” or the “Body Armor” slot in the horses inventory.

Interesting idea, but that doesn’t seem plausible to me. As bloodaxis said, caparisons only go into the cover slot, not into one of the others.
Even a caprison that only covers the body and not the head goes into the cover slot:

Greetings, I have found the head armour for horse. It is on the mountain right of Letz-something (north of Rattay). There is a huge nest that have a dead horse and a dead chicken. It is at the middle of the mountain which you can jump off the top of the mountain and exprience near death or some how climb up or down of the mountain and reach the nest.

Also, I’m trying to find the armour that sir divish wears. Notify me if you found it.

Someone as a post and where to find the head armor here

Thanks for that! I’m guessing the body piece is hidden away somewhere similar, no wonder none of the horse vendors sold anything.

There’s another way to get horse armor. Altough i’m not entirely sure if it’s random or not. But the House to the left of the Blacksmith in Rattay has a (Very Hard) Chest at the lower level. It contains several expensive items like Capons bow and finally a piece of head armor for your horse.

i can confirm the nest horse armor on Ps4. great easter egg

Ok… Apparently its a bugged chest that shows your horses inventory instead for some reason.