How do I chase that mysterious knight?

After the cutscene at the rovna charcoal burners, the guy magically is already mounted with a head start, whils you first have to whistle for your mount, climb up on it, and navigate a 1/4 inch wide wooden plank bridge over a narrow death trap of a river…

Tried several times, but ALWAYS either get stuck on that shite bridge, or some random 1/4 inch stick on the ground, snagged behind a single leaf of a freaking bush, or am at some point in time a pico-meter too farr behind that f**ker… how is anybody supposed to actually chase him??

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For Christ’s sake, somehow that freaking charcoal burners place is covered in magical invisible spiderman web to make your horse get stuck everywhere, and the freaking forrest appears to have been deliberately filled to the brim with ultra dense reinforced concrete bushes, that are usually employed at high security prisons! :rage:

I failed to catch him, but the quest will just update with a new objective. You’ll be fine

Finally managed to follow him, and survived the tough fight. But man, the charcoal burners place seems to be specifically designed so as to keep you from chasing him. I don’t like chasing sequences in games, where, say, you trade insults with a dude, the cutscene ends, and you are standing 10 yards away from your car, whilst your opponent is magically already in his, and 1/2 mile ahead.

Now I am stuck at the place, can’t move, mouse continuously going up, and despite version 1.3.1, cant save…great. fast travel is broken, too… :frowning:

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Lucky you - I waited two weeks for questions and answers to be fixed only to find out like 15 minutes later, that when I catch Ulrich, he umounts and freezes unresponsively - just stands there… :smiley: uhh good Lord…

I’ve bumped him with my horse in the second retry.

The first five seconds are confusing, even when you know what’s happening, but I think it’s rather easy in general.
If you’re close to him you can shoot his horse and then him until he surrenders, that’s what I did.
Though warning: Pebbles doesn’t have enough speed to catch him nor enough stamina to keep up.

As much as I grew attached to Pebbles, I traded her in for Kathaka. I think K. has a NO2 can shoved up his bum…