How do I perform combos?

Can someone try a combo trick I discovered? on PC Instead to make one-single mouse click at the direction, make triple-click per ONE direction. So together for three direction combo, you need to make 9 clicks in total: 3 up, 3 right, 3 left bottom. If I play like this, i am able to make well almost every combo with Bernard. I just discovered this by accident.

Have to give that a try. I’ve only performed 6 combos in my whole game so far, and I guess those were by accident.

Combos are easy to land once you get the timing right. They are basically chained strikes in a set pattern.

Right now I can land them consistently unless the NPC dodge or riposte my strikes. Granted I usually use longsword.

Start by getting chained strike right and you’ll quickly get combos going.

Clicking 9 time prolly help simply because by spamming the button, you have more chances to get one click at the correct timing :wink:

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By chained strike, do you mean successfully hitting 3 times in a row?

Yes, take the basic training with either Vaniek in Skalitz or captain Bernard.

They will teach you the chained strike and keep the timing in mind for the combos.

Thanks, I mean I kick arse most of the time anyway, but it would be nice to do some fancy moves.

As soon as you see their arm draw back for a swing, or a jab, hit the block button immediately, for a riposte. Once you know the indicators you’ll be able to develop an instict to riposte consistently.

My 2 cents on combos : don’t bother :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve 300+ hours in this game, one playthrough entirely finished DLC included, my Henry is 20 main, all stats, defense and sword and has almost 18 warfare. I’m also obviously used to fighting and manage to parry 99% of hits even 2 vs 1 and master strike at least 1/3 of my parry if not more depending on the number of enemies around me.

And yet I’ve never in all that time managed to land a single combo.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly possible some people are even pretty good at it , there is an achievement fighter that asks to carry out 100 combos in combat and 0.9% of players have managed it so obviously it’s possible to score plenty of combos.
I never managed it because I’m personally not very good at fighting, I got the hang of it enough to be able to time my parrys well enough to master strike pretty often and that’s my saving grace but I don’t have the skills for combos.

And that’s the issue, it doesn’t depend on your character’s skills and stats alone it’s more player skill based and adding to that your pc power because if your fps are too low and/or you get stutters it’ll be pretty darn impossible to get the timing right. Heck my PC is pretty powerful and even without the added challenge I still never managed a combo like many many other people who have played this game and managed to “beat” it.

And the thing is : combos are not that useful.
it’s honestly faster and easier to kill your enemies just using riposte (master strike) alone, heck with a very medium leveled Henry and my own pretty limited skill I one shot runt with a lucky master strike to the head. I had decent equipment but it wasn’t the best possible either.

So if you’re looking at combos to help you fight, don’t waste your time and energy, combos are more of a challenge for people who are good at fighting in this game and want an extra accomplishment.

And if it’s a thing for you, the need to manage to land some combos then you’ll need hours of practice with Bernard to learn to time your hits and level your Henry up high enough specially the warfare skill that allows for faster hits plus all the stats associated to your weapon of choice.
Also I might be wrong don’t quote me on that but I would suppose that an agility based weapon might be better than a strength one ? I also saw someone advising a weapon thatisn’t too powerful but more balanced (slash/thrust etc somewhat in the same range and not too op) so that you don’t kill your enemy in one hit because well you need to have time to land 3 to 4 hits before he dies to have a chance for a combo. Don’t know how good that advice is, just repeating what I’ve hear.
Also I might be wrong

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you are right, combos are not a necessary mechanic, at least on standard mode
you are also right in saying that they are something that you yourself needs to learn, not Henry and that they are very dependent on your PC
if you have a PC that cant get a constant 60 FPS then i would advise turning off the HUD or playing on hardcore if you want to pull of combos, this way the combat indicator wont be fucking with you. What can happen when you have a low FPS is the indicator will be a few steps behind or a few steps ahead of where your weapon actually is and this completely fucks up you timing and direction.
a good tip is to use the fast striker perk and an agility based weapon to achieve very fast attacks meaning your opponent will have less time to defend himself.

Combos are useful in combat against a single better equipped but less skilled opponent. The last attack in the combo deals significalntly higher damage (which is how unwashed villagers kill you despite your plate armor).

The easiest weapon to perform combos with is the long sword, and the easiest combos are the ones requiring only 3 consecutive hits, like Zorn Ort and Fehler.

It’s definitely worth to attempt a combo when facing a single opponent (even in a larger fight), but it requires some practice and the window of opportunity is small, also it’s just easier to get better stuff and rely on ripostes than execute combos.

Yep, major problem of combos is that they need some newbie in good armor as single enemy to actually bother. And such combination is rare if not impossible. And with NPCs often interrupting such combos in the middle…

No, ripostes are more reliable. Ripostes and short stabbing strikes to make enemy bleed.

There all based on you makeing one or two moves of the combat wheel, when you attack each blow will switch to the next step in the combo.

I have several problems

  1. Using a mouse I have a tough time making low strikes
  2. Playing hardcore I cannot see the attack reference point
  3. I swear the game does multiple swings for a single mouse press.

As others have stated, I usually win but this one aspect of the game escapes me.