I figured out Kingdom come (Wall of Text)

I just interpreted the amount of forced combat with intended failure as the game merely teaching the player that the world is dangerous. I think your mistake is reloading everytime you lost instead of embracing that the game is set up to allow you to fail these encounters.

Henry isn’t the village idiot, he’s just the villager that aspires to be a knight. And life is rough for that kind of person.

Not all Henry’s are created equal. Lol during a cutscene i saw how ridiculous my guy looked wearing tattered clothes and armor, i got my act together finally lol

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Today was a new day for the village Idiot (me) and it was suprisinhly successful. Well the damn deers, I shot 4 arrows in it and it looked like a porcupine but it was still grazing

On the other hand I know my mushrooms now, killed one Cuman and cut of his ear. And now I got a horse…I hobe this lovestory is goimg to evolve