Intel Pulls out from Gamasutra

For me, the #GamerGame will always be about hysteria and extreme emotions on both sides. Nothing game changing, only huge flamewar on the twitter and other social media. It is really not about corrupted game journalism or whatever the claims are. It is about feisty gamers on one side and hysterical activists on the other. Not much reasoning at all. The Intel thing is just cherry on the top of the pie, which proves how stupid this whole thing is.

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Well, I’ll try, but that’s somewhat more subjective. I mean, like Daniel’s team & their game just getting blacklisted, that’s news that just happened this morning. Should I not post stuff like that? Because I’d think most here would want to know. I’m not trying to be sarcastic at all, I just want to bring up things related to #Gamergate, because Daniel clearly cares about the issue & shouldn’t the fans of his game know as well? :-/

I didn’t say you shouldn’t post it. But why not using the threads which are already there? :wink:

As about the game being “blacklisted”, that’s just speculation so far. There seems to be a lack of coverage of the latest update on major US gaming sites indeed but that could also have other reasons. I think “blacklisted” is a way too political term for that without at least having solid proof for it being politically motivated.

But if you ask me, it’s Dan himself who is at least in parts responsible for that (if it’s really the case that major sites refused to publish news about Kingdom Come on purpose). He obviously doesn’t seperate his personal opinion from the game he and his company are making which isn’t the most clever thing he could have come up with. It’s one thing to have a certain point of view on topics but a completely different thing how you do proper PR as a company. What Dan does here (e.g. by wearing this shirt in the video) is actually very bad PR because he mixes up his personal (political) opinion with facts about the product his company is making. It seems very childish to me and clearly not “professional”. By following this route Dan puts the game and his company in danger for no apparent reason other than his own ego. Maybe he should think about the fate and future of his employees next time before he mixes up a political or at least personal agenda with the product of his company again. I mean, isn’t that what #gamergate is all about? About doing your job “in a professional way” without implementing “propaganda”? I don’t see Dan following this credo her, quite the opposite

Again, stating your personal opinion is good and there shouldn’t be any reason to not saying what you think. That’s what twitter is for. But Dan is going far beyond that. Imo he uses Kingdom Come as a kind of experiment to investigate whether his assumptions about #gamergate and journalists are true and that’s a dangerous and irresponsible endeavour. I wouldn’t mind if the game would be a one-person project with only Dan involved. But IIRC there are about 60 people working at Warhorse and about 36,000 people who’ve backed the game and it’s in no way reasonable or justifiable to use a project of that size and involvement for some personal experiment or personal (political) opinions

Edit: I want to add that imo the lack of information on major US sites about the game (or at least the newest update) is also very sad and unprofessional. Despite the passive aggressive behaviour of Dan towards parts of the the (US) gaming press they shouldn’t let their personal feelings guide their actions. As journalists they should cover the game nevertheless and there is no excuse for not doing so, at least as long as they are not personally attacked by Dan (which e.g. might be an issue with Polygon).

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At this point there is no specific proof KCD has been blacklisted by some gaming media outlets. It wouldn’t surprise me, but a lack of attention to an update made a few days ago is not evidence alone of anything one way or another.

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I can’t agree more. This is exactly what I thought watching the video. If you accuse someone of bringing so called “political propaganda” to non-political medium, the right way to fight against it will definitely not be to do the same thing. By that we will end up in the infinite circle.

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Ultimately it’s Dan’s choice how to handle things like this. Just from reading one of the recent interviews he did, it’s pretty clear why he’s as anti-censorship and anti-oppression as he is. It may have the side effect of affecting Warhorse and KCD in some way, but there have already been people who said they had no specific interest in this game but would pledge because of the stance he took (whether they all did or not, we don’t know).

There’s obviously a risk involved any time someone speaks out against a group trying to bully or influence others, but being silent out of fear you might end up targeted next is not a good way to live whether it’s about a video game or anything else.

People can argue all they like about the way Dan chooses to express his POV on this, but what’s done is done. The game has already garnered a lot of attention as it is, and there’s nothing that stops people like us from continuing to spread it via word of mouth. Get enough people talking about it or looking at it, and it won’t matter whether or not a gaming site chooses to ignore it or criticize it simply because of Dan’s opinions.

Don’t be afraid of gaming sites and journalists.

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By the way, if anyone is concerned enough that Dan’s way of handling all of this jeopardizes the chances of KCD releasing, thus wasting what you’ve put in toward it, I would suggest you contact Warhorse to seek a refund of your pledge. Otherwise, have a little faith. There’s still a ton of time left before the game is due out, anyway.

Nice confirmation bias there
 now that you’ve explained how you would react in such position, perhaps you could manage to admit that this is all you did? :smile:

As for ronin, people make everything that happens “about them” are about as interesting to me as roadkill (not at all) because their opinion is directly related to how much or how well it meets their “me me me” meter’s needs.

I don’t put pennies in that well.

Oh look, people have given Techraptor ad impression views for this article. Even though the title is misleading, the evidence is non-existent, and the amount of coverage of KCD overall is ESSENTIALLY UNCHANGED.

Drama much? Sheesh.

We are not talking here about Polygon, Kotaku or RPS, which are site with clear position in this foolish flame war. We are talking about sites like Gamespot or IGN. All those sites have been neutral on this topic so far and they still want to be. If they show the video with Dan wearing this t-shirt, they could be easily accused of or proven to be supporters of GamerGate by some hysterical voices from both sides. This is unfortunately the effect of how irrational and hysterical this whole thing is.
Second thing, this is not about concerns whether the game will or will not be released or whatever. The game is for everyone, not just for GG supporters. If I were forced to take a side, I would be probably called SJW because of my POV. I disagree with Dan’s opinion, however I respect it. But I didn’t back his opinion, I backed the game and I don’t see it fair to use the game as a tool for fighting this fight.

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Let’s see what happens when Warhorse puts out the end-of-update teaser/trailer as a unique, specific video.

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And ultimately, the game itself probably can’t be separated from being part of Dan’s particular fight. It’s already been a struggle to make the game he wants to make without having others tell him what should or shouldn’t be showcased in it. It’s his vision, so in the end it should be up to him (and whoever he allows into being part of the process) what makes the cut and what doesn’t. In a large part, that adherence to his own vision is part of what this whole thing seems to be all about.

I don’t agree at all. You kind of act like Dan did something completely “new” here, fighting against structures and big players in the industry. Reality is, that other companies have done the same already years ago without the need to follow specific campaigns. I don’t see how his vision for Kingdom Come has ANYTHING to do with #gamergate in particular. Let’s take other kickstarter/crowdfunding games like Divinity: Original Sin, Wasteland 2 or Broken Age. They are all successful independent projects with the developers following their specific visions while maintaining full creative freedom and independence. None of the creators of these games needed any political or personal agenda to make that possible. They seem to know the principle of seperating personal opinions and professional work and attitude.

Of course it’s Dan’s decision how to do PR for the game, nobody questions that. But as someone who seems to enjoy criticizing other people he should be at least open for critique himself. I can only strongly suggest to seperate personal opinions and your professional work if they not necessarily belong together, especially if there is a chance to damage the reputation of your company and in the end the product you’re making. As much as I applaud Dan for being honest, straight forward and direct I think you MUST live with compromises when you are the CEO of a company with a lot of people and stakeholders involved. Reality is not always that easy and certainly not always black and white

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the difference between discussing something openly and propaganda is a distinction people like to forget. it’s lazy thinking. at it’s extreme, it’s the kind of thinking that equates justified homicide to murder.

This is completely unrelated to what he said I fear

But while you’re at it: Dan isn’t a supporter of the open discussion, at least not if you have a look at his actions and twitter posts. He’s clearly taking sides and even making fun of people of the “other side”. That caricatures the whole alleged point of gamergate. It’s fighting propaganda with propaganda, aggressive rhetorics with aggressive rhetorics. That’s typcial for biased flamewars but not for anything that could or should be called open discussion.

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Sry, but unfortunately I’m not your guy who would swallow your bait and start another pointless flamewar here. I respect your opinion and you shall respect mine. That’s what reasonable people usually do. I’m not here to censor Dan either, he has his full right to express his POV and say whatever he thinks is right in his opinion. However I’m bit concern about bringing this issue to things connected to the game itself. It is in my opinion unfair toward people in his team, who know nothing and don’t care about GamerGate and toward supporters and backers, who also don’t care about GamerGate or are on the opposite side. It would be shameful for US media, if they ignore KCD because of Dan’s opinion, but it is also shameful to indirectly bringing this topic to video, which has nothing to do with the topic.

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Wow. Just wow. So Dan is partly responsible for politicaly bias and colluding journalists. I mean, WOW. I can’t believe anyone can actually say that.

Just to make it clear, I’m NOT saying that they do ignore him on purpose because of #gg, it’s too early to tell, even though it’s suspicious. However, I’ll use assumption that they do as you worked with it.

You are hypotheticaly accepting, that some US journalists deliberately ignore game dev and his game, because he dared to critisize them, and you actually blame for it a DEV?? Really? Do you realize how disgusting and pathetic it is? It’s EXACTLY the same as if someone exposed a corruption case, got fired from a job for that, and you would say “It’s partly his fault, he shoud have thought about his job and his family and shoud have not cared about corruption. It’s very irresponsible and unproffessional to compromise own job and family by exposing corruption”. Because by accepting of hypothesis that these journalists punish Daniel for his stance, you acknowledge that they are exactly the kind of scum trying to silence everyone who opose them that Daniel were saying they are all the time, yet you have the stomach to say that even in this case it’s “partly Daniel’s responsibility.” Again, it’s disgusting.

We can also use thematic feminist example. It is EXACTLY the same as if you blamed a raped woman after a rape was proven that it’s party her fault, because she had a mini-skirt and it’s really irresponsible to wear a mini-skirt at night, and to put in danger herself by that.

Journalists’ work is to be objective. If they deliberately take revenge on someone and damage him through their media because he dared to critisize them, there is absolutely NO excuse for such behavior in decent society and it’s NEVER fault of a man who critisize them, not even partly, as it’s NOT partly a flirting woman’s fault that she was raped.

I never said that. That wasn’t my point after all.

Please read my post again. Especially the last paragraph.

Did you really read my post? I clearly stated that it’s GOOD and RIGHT to state your opinion. I just said that such a discussion (or something childish like his shirt in the video) might be counterproductive for selling a product like a video game.
And you know, in the real world people always make compromises. Like I said, the world isn’t all black and white. You cannot expect to attack people and later expect them to work for you. That doesn’t work no matter if you are right or wrong. Humans usually don’t work like that and if you want to succeed in our world and maybe sell something you better learn that pretty soon. It’s one thing to be open and direct on twitter. Many people are. But usually they mark their account with words like “words/opinions are my one and not those of my company” or something along these lines. You know, that’s because they are grown up people who have understood that it isn’t always the best way to piss against the wind no matter what and no matter the casualties. Like I’ve said before, as a CEO of a company you have something called responsibility, responsibility for your employees and your stakeholders. That should be your first and primary objective and not some experiments like compromising your product with your personal opinions about political or at least highly controversial issues. I mean, what’s the purpose of that? I don’t see it.

Nothing I’ve said can be compared to that. And please stop trying to silence me with over the top or shocking alleged synonyms

Game developers’ work is to make games. That’s exactly what I wanted to say. It’s not very helpful to criticize others for showing a bad behaviour by doing exactly the same. As much as some journalists compromise their articles Dan compromises his game by following a certain agenda or implementing private issues (may it be revenge or whatever).

To be completely clear here, by corruption of game journalism you mean this, right?

LordCrash: I haven’t seen any of his opinions being published as Warhorse’s. If somebody cannot (or do not want to) see the difference between him and the studio
 then that is just wrong.