Interesting review of Polygon's "review" of The Witcher 3

I cannot tell you how much i hate the media and all that bullshit right now. A bunch of entitled pricks bitching about how somethings racist or sexist constantly. I really wish a game dev would just straight up tell them to go fuck themselves.

The only way you escape it all is if half the main characters are gay you have blacks, hispanics, and fat women in it.

Yeah it’s that whole white guilt bullshit. SJW love to rant about how oppressed blacks are and how evil the white man is. A lot of them also are part of the idea that the world would be a better place without the whites.

Oh yeah did you guys hear?!The-new-female-character-in-Assassins-Creed-Syndicate-is-not-plus-size-and-that-is-a-problem/cmbz/5560b19e0cf2adc1ad532887

Assassins creed Syndicate is under fire for not having a plus sized women in their game. Because hey nothing says realism like a fat ass doing free running and being able to climb.

Bunch of “fatphobics”

Who would win in a fight? A feminist or a narrow hall way? : :sunglasses:

i did not laugh like this in a long time.
This is pure gold.

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I’m not saying that SJWs are not like that, but this linked article is satire. :sunny:

I believe its making fun of the people who actually suggested that. There are legitimate articles where people are raging that the main character isn’t fat.

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The thing about the witcher is not just TW3 out there. The whole track record is all 7 books + 3 games. The books are specially bad on that aspect. As a whole the franchise is quite crude and cringe worthy at times. If appart from that you have to consider the horendous combat from the first two games you cant really say its a good franchise. So yeah, they redeemed themselves by puting out a good game with the third one but they cant expect to satisfy everyone with a source material as basic, generic, cliche and crude as what Sapkowski wrote.

Too bad that their next sci fi game looks like its heading in the same deranged direction. Im certainly not holding my breath when Horizon Zero Dawn is just over the Horizon.

Gender studies department, am I right?

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Probably majoring in Lesbian dance theory. :wink:

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