Kickstarter code?

Have you checked if it isn’t your kickstarter profile settings?
Try going to your kickstarter and fill out your profile as much as you can.

testing my code …

Title test in 3… 2… 1…

watoux gg no re 3.2.1

Doing a forum badge test

reply for test the badge

Testpost i believe it still doesnt work?

Test for Forum Badge

Test. NotEnoughWordsUntilNow.

Haven’t received code, btw.

Testing to see the badge…

Another badge check…

This is a test for the Forum Badge ^^

This is me testing my badge…

Testing the badge, wish me luck

Test, Test, Test. Hope my upgrade is shown…Nope not yet :frowning:

I just registered to the forums now even though I backed a while ago… the email I received also just thanked me, no code.

just another bagde testing

Likes others, i’m waiting for my code…

1… 2… 3… Bagde test