Map + Enemy Camps

Really, there is nothing there for you guys? The mill just down the road from Theresa’s house was full of bandits. Sitting, sleeping, camping.

Sorry for the false alarm then. I wish I would have cleared it while I was there incase it never shows up again.

Thank you for these maps. Saved me taking a lot of notes during my next play through!

That place is actually involved in a quest you get from Master Feyfar, so it could be that the bandits spawning there are linked to it as well.

A tough one in orange there also:

It was definitely there for me on PS4. Took me 3 tries to finish 'em off. Haven’t checked back to see if it re-spawned yet.

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They respawn yes

Found another camp. Marked green.

Found another one. Marked blue.

SKALITZ Round green block

LEDETCHKO Pink circle

The game needs some custom markers (maybe via mods), or more discovered hints, because sometimes seems more important a “fishing spot” than cumans or bandits camps which are not really marked.

Thanks for the map :D, BTW

Please add your own custom markers here, and share the .json file updated, I added all markers from this post (arrow is a maybe ?)



  • go to
  • Import .json file, show only “my markers”
  • Add your own markers for bandit camps
  • Show all markers and see if something is missing (I don’t know if map treasures or chests are complete, or tombs)


Any chance, or ideas to add this in game? as a mod of course, would be great :D, and if we have the coordinates, maybe is not difficult to add (I don’t know)

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Found another camp. Marked white.

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Found a new one by the smoke south of Talmbeg and southwest of the Charcoal burner camp. Otherwise the camps with only Cumans i found as of yet are: This new one, the one just south of Talmberg, The cave Northeast of Rovna and the one east of Ushitz.

why dont you just post one map with all of them on. its really annoying having to download like 12 maps with different ones

With all due respect, they already spent their time on sharing the maps. All you have to do is to collect all of them and make it into one map with all locations discovered so far. I don´t want to fight with you, but it would be nice from you to actually appreciate what they did, instead of complaining about the map not being served to you on a silver plate. No offense, but what is really annoying is not their map. That map is perfect(thanks guys so much). What is annoying is people like you kinda, who cannot appreciate what others did. Please take this as honest, polite feedback on your text and your approach :slight_smile: Good luck playing game mate! :slight_smile:


Well, you can’t fight with him, at least not as that username.
He’s been banned for several reasons.
We’re all thinking he’ll be back in some new manifestation, though…

Edit - I agree - great work on the maps, folks!

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Combined map of bandit camps reported in this and in this reddit thread:

Exported markers (for In many cases bandits/cumans are in camp or cave already marked in map. In these cases, I added bandit camp marker next to existing marker.


I tried to finally complete this bandit camps map.

Here is what I have so far:

I have added the red 1,2 and 3 camps, couldn’t find them on any map here in this thread.
Red 4 is the correct placement of this camp.

The yellow places are camps wich are temporarely (?) populated by bandits
in some quests only.
Yellow A is in the Ginger Quest with this 2 bandits he fears so much,
B is the Camp of the Robber Baron " Wolflin of Kamberg" Quest,
C is the mineshaft Camp in the " All that Glisters" Quest.
D is the populated Pribyslawitz Camp in the “Nest of Vipers” Quest.

In some playthroughs yellow B and C were populated even after I have finished
the Quests, in some others they were empty places then … ?

Some pics:

Camp red 1 with 3 well armed bandits (a lot to loot) and a bed to sleep:

Camp red 2 with some poor bandits, not much to loot, but 2 chests:

and Camp red 3 with 2 bandits, not so much to loot:

Hope this is of some help to those who like it to raid the Camps. :sunglasses:

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Another Camp wich didn’t make it on any map here until:
You have to fight 3 poor bandits there …

red 5 in yellow circle right left corner on general map:


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I updated markers for with those new camps. Download them from here:

I didn’t include camps that do not respawn, i.e. those marked in yellow in the previous map.

BTW: what camp E contains, or which quest it is related?

Camp marked with X respawns.


It’s actually the camp where you save Capon from the cumans. It’s also the place for the showdown between Hanekin Hare with his poachers and the Talmberg guards. After the Hare quests the camp stays empty.