More people and bigger citys in game?

30 was a blind approximation. we haven’t balanced guard numbers yet so it could be 40-50. The low numbers are pretty accurate however as it’s meant to mainly cover gates + the other workshift and one or two patrols.

I am talking about normal guards, not soldiers defending the castle. That’s another story. Also don’t forget citizen had the defence duty so in case of attack they wold be among those grabbing weapons and actively fighting.


Thank you for the clarification, especially as regards difference between “normal guards/soldiers”.

Could you please confirm that the NPCs/player will be able to fight with whatever comes handy, i.e. farming tools, torch thrown in the face, etc.?

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I can’t. But I can explain.
I think we have already said that however our combat system is sophisticated it is also quite limiting and hard to extend. Thus adding any 1 weapon basically means adding new animation sets for lone weapon, potentially adding animation sets for weapon/shield combinations, extra work on interactions with each weapon in the game, and potentially adding new AI for the weapon and all new combinations. So that’s what makes us different from most other games where you usually just switch weapon model and all you do is swing it in the air in one or two animation sets. However things get much easier when the new weapon is of similar type and dimensions. So if we have maces, we can add branches, if we have spears we might add pitchfork and so on.


Thank you, your asnwers are much appreciated!