New Lars Andersen video


What’s the essence of your discussion guys? it’s always good to go back to the start.

Sorry about that, clearly a misunderstanding lets move on.

Yes, I agree that even a 80pound bow is a lot more powerful that what he use.
And Because of his use of a weaker bow I do question how much this can be used to say things about archery historical. But I do think that a person who trained longer would be able to do similar with a more powerful bow when we are talking accuracy. The question is how much the poundage effect the rate of fire.

In weightlifting terms it’s comparable to what is called explosive lifting. Basically lifting a weight fast.Say one guy curls 40 lbs. dumbbells slow and holding his breath/straining because it’s heavy, if that guy grabs 20 lbs. dumbbells he’s gonna swing them around like there’s no tomorrow. You’d want the same thing with the bow, if 80 lbs. is his goal he might have to be able to draw 120 lbs. in the ‘normal’ manner. (example)

I doubt effectiveness of his speed shooting. His bow is probably some lower poundage bow. I can’t tell for certain, but speed shooters use usually max 40 pound bows, effective for hunting smaller animals, but not against humans in armor or protective clothing. And I can see that he does not draw his bow always fully which greatly reduces range and ability of the shot to penetrate anything.

Also his technique is nothing new. As far as I read there are basically two types of draw and based on this you put your arrow on the sides of the bow. If you draw using two or three fingers below the arrow (and release therefore on right side of the string) its better to put the arrow on left side of the bow. If you draw holding the arrow between your thumb and fingers, or draw the string with your thumb usually supporting the arrow with your other fingers, you release on left side of the string and put the arrow on right side of the bow. This is due to archer’s paradox and I suppose the reason why aiming got easier for him when he switched sides of the bow is due to way he draws the string.