Nothing in my chest

When I rent a room there is nothing in my chest! Only in Rattay I could take all things I put in it. In all taverns my chest is empty

Same here, since the update to 1.3 / 1.31 I keep loosing what was inside my “cloud chest” shared across all rented places… What is happening there. Now I lost all my “Ancient Map” loot… nice…

btw. no mods active.

Same here, in the taverns they’re empty and in my room in Rattay Castle there’s just some clothes…
Only the chest in the mill of Rattay has my stuff!
Whats going on, an hour ago everything was fine?

I have this bug as well.


I completed the quest “Cherchez La Femme”, became the Talmberg Huntsman, and was given the Huntsman’s Lodge. In there is (assuming what is supposed to be) a “shared” chest like the ones you find near most of your beds at inns and such. Once you recieve the lodge it seems to “disconnect” the chests; they behave like individual chests instead of shared chests. I reverted to a save prior to completing “Cherchez La Femme” and all my chests were linked again.

Prior to reloading a previous save I went to my bed at the Rattay mill and found all my loot that I had originally stored in that chest, it wasn’t lost. Hopefully your loot is not lost if you are too far along to consider reverting to a previous save.

I only completed the above quest after 1.3.3 was launched for PC so I don’t know if this is a new bug or has always been there potentially.

EDIT: If I open my inventory before opening the shared chest AFTER I have loaded a save, all my loot appears in the shared chests again, but if I take items from the chests in the Huntsman’s Lodge all of my chests except the one at the Rattay Mill have 7-8 items that I never put in.

Your edit sounds tricky. I might try your routine next time.

BTW: I have finished Talmberg Huntsman as well. Since I never found a chest with my already stored stuff I totally forgot about it, good call!

Relating to your Edit, I realised something wierd was going on as well, when loading a game. I did not tested it as deep as you it seems, but my chest was once filled, and once empty when loading a particular savegame. Though I did not try other savefiles. I even started to blame NPC, I thought since they pick up stuff from the streets, and use my room (I think it was in Ledetschko) maybe they can use my chest as well.

Thanks for the hint, that must be it! I’ve also just finished this quest when the bug appeared, so that must be the case. This should be reported to warhorse.
Or we get used to this new won realism, i mean since when can you share your whole inventory with other bags in different locations in the real world? XD
Jokes aside, would be nice if this get fixed and as Enkopresis said, there was never a “Safe-Chest” in the huntsman log i don’t understand that either…
Unless it has something to do with the corruption of the “Safe-Chest” system. In the very moment you’re finishing the quest, the determined chest in the log which should become the “Safe-Chest” shares the destiny of the other ones too.
There are some empty chests in the Log, maybe one of them is supposed to be the “Safe-Chest”?

Glad I could be of some help!

To clarify how I temporarily got around this bug since my edit is oddly worded (assuming you have received the Hunstman’s Lodge):

I. AFTER you load a save and BEFORE you open any shared chest, whether it be the Rattay Keep, Sassau Inn, Talmberg Inn, etc., open your inventory. Then once you open the “shared-chest” all of your loot should be in there.

i. This seems to correspond to the “empty shared-chest” bug

II. DO NOT open or take anything from any chests in the Huntsman Lodge after accepting the position as the Talmberg Huntsman. I’m not sure if one or all of the chests there triggers this bug, and I am not sure of but two chests look like the other “shared-chests”

ii. This seems to correspond to the “shared chest” being populated with 7-8 items that I had never put in to begin with, mostly clothing and a bludgeon if my memory serves.

Let me know if you come across something I missed. My testing occurred after accepting the position as the Talmberg hunstman, and then sleeping at the Talmberg Inn. I am not yet sure if it is the opening of the lodge chests and/or taking from them that triggers it, or if it is only specific chests within the lodge. I will play around with it more today to see if I can find more details. I will also send a bug report the official way to make sure there is visibility on Warhorse’s part. Sorry for the length of my post.

EDIT: While testing this bug some more I have found it is probably best to avoid “Cherchez La Femme” questline for the time being. I cannot get consistent results with the chests linking/disconnecting. The workarounds I listed above are only temporary (in my case at least) and most “shared chests” will either have nothing, or random clothing and knick-knacks, requiring me to perform step 1 again.

This was already happening to me BEFORE I accepted that position. I lost 80k I’d saved that was in there. Now I’m on that stupid timed quest where everyone gets sick and dies (pestilence) if you don’t hurry up. I originally read that this issue was caused by having too many saved files so I deleted all my pre quest ones. I open a saves file near the monetary and sometimes it’s got my stuff, but it’s mostly empty. No matter what I do, even if I complete the quest while my chest is supposedly full, I finish the quest and escprt the prisoner back to Rattay and it’s ALWAYS empty. I’m on PS4 and clearly no mods (I didn’t even know I there were more for PS4?). So now I have to wait until devs fix this issue before I can complete this timed main quest. For the first time since it came out I’m putting it down and picking up another game. All the other bugs were survivable (to me); this feels like a slap in the face. Everything I’ve worked for - gone. If this isn’t fixed in the next patch then I’m done.