we created the god damn language you baboons . we say how shit is spelt .
what school ! traitors ! thought we got rid of you people in 1776 !
It seems as though one of our American English teachers has snuck past your guards and is corrupting the minds of your youth. Haha! Soon we’ll have ALL British speaking like us Americans! Get ready for words like: Mom, flashlight, buddy, French fries, dude, gasoline, and freeway!
to the defences !!
a wise man once said american english is the purest form of evolution.
we improve the language while others are only interested in preserving archaic traditions and nonsensical practices.
yep you did beautifully
Nobody ever said evolution was going to be pretty. I think calling it an “improvement” on the other hand seems to be an unsupported opinion. I respect the fact that my “American” language is a disturbed mutation spawned from the desire to be anything but its original form. Haha! On a side note: Sorry OP for going way off topic in the past few posts! :\
America, where they hate the letter U.
I put Traditional English first then Modern English (i.e. British then American)
America, why do you hate the letter U?
I think that traditional reply to this question is: “Because, fuck U, that’s why!”
Actually the language was created by the Anglo Saxons who were from Germany. So technically speaking neither of us speak “true” English.
We took it out of behavior too. And some lower I.Q. people took the U out of “you”. I subconsciously add the U in many of those words but the “auto-correct” changes the spelling back to the non-U version. I always want to spell behavior as ‘behaviour’. (my phone put a red line under the latter to tell me I spelled it incorrectly) haha
And the Normans frelled it up LONG before us Americans got hold of it.
Stupid Normans…
we made something beautiful and you ruined it !

lets get this straight you dont speak english you speak merican and i expect it to be refered to this from now on even if its added to the game the options should be
other useless languages
and the world will be a much better place
I think everythink was said!
We won’t downgrade nothing at all. The game will be probably for 18+ and therefore it won’t be suitable for children… which isn’t our target audience anyway. Dan does what he likes And little Isabelle likes it!
If you feel like it’s to harsh anyway then please tell us what you think here:
Nuff said!