Pledge/Store more items

Is there a date somewhere near about when the store will be up? I know it said store is coming up on vid but no date or ball park estimate.

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I will check… there are still problems with PayPal… but it shouldn’t take too long to solve… hopefully! :smiley:

Any progress so far in finding out an estimate?

@TobiTobsen Here’s another idea for the shop. AFAIK your new selling partner for beer has also nice beer mugs on offer. Looks like they are made of forest glass. You could engrave them with your logo and sell them too. I’d buy one for sure ( if it looks better then my clumsy forgery ). :wink:

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Doesn’t look very medieval to me! :slight_smile:

But cool idea! :smiley:


What I bought today …

The dark red one needs a WH Logo :smiley:


No news so far? Waiting… (20 chars min)

Ok, THIS is a cool idea.

I realize we’re not yet at the Age of Sail in this era, and that parchment is really the way maps were done (and making such was extremely expensive at the time), but heck, they didn’t have printed caps or T-Shirts either.

Maps are awesome. They can be really cool, so great. Tiny or huge. Put them on anything. Back of a T-Shirt. Canvas flags. Posters. Added details, or just symbols. The maps back in those days were very artistic, and way back, they were filled with rich symbols that inspire to this day.

And there’s all kinds of materials maps can be made on to go beyond the “slick traditional paper” that you see in today’s video games. Here, the suggestion is cloth. Any number of cloths could be great. But also different sizes with varying details on special papers and parchments.

Added varieties of maps, like a cloth map, is just too great an idea to ignore.


Oh yeah I am already testing! :smile:

Where’s mine at? :*(

Maybe we can finally start at Monday! We’ll see! :slight_smile:

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Guess what’s opening (at least kinda) today?!

Is it Beerdom Come: De-abstinance - the pub?


No we safe that for Saturday! :smiley:

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I will just buy a T-shirt, then.

and a hat

and whatever my eyes will lay upon.

But everything is still young and fresh and in Betatest mode! :smiley: So psssttt… don’t tell anybody outside the fourm! :)… more details will follow later! :slight_smile:


Do not worry I will be tender and secretive with your newborns.

Beta version of our merchandise shop can be seen on :-]


your beta version now has at least one order.