PS4 Broken Combat

Právě jsem zjistil že tento problém způsobil day 1 patch. Měl jsem problém při kterém jsem nemohl způsobit žádné poškození pěsti a zbraně prošli zkrz protivnika a nic se nestalo. Po opakovaně instalaci jsem hru pustil bez updatu a vše najednou funguje.

Emm, so why again I can use other functions on r2, and cant this one?

Because those other function are not analog. They only regisster whether the button is pressed.
eg. in menu the game does not need 90% trigger velue, but any value at all.

Could you tell me what patch 1.03 on ps4 is going to do? any bug fixes? the reputation system is ruining my experience, i stealth killed some people and everybody hates me in rattay, i have to pay them every single time to talk to them.

I’m having this issue as well.
To check whether your controller’s R2 is the problem, you can do the following:

-> Plug your controller into your pc
-> Go to ‘Devices and Printer’
-> Right click on ‘Wireless Controller’
-> Click on ‘Game controller settings’
-> In the window that pops up click ‘Properties’

X-Rotation is L2 and Y-Rotation is R2.

Hope this helps :grinning:

This is the only problem that I run into that frustrates me. I don’t know if R2 just don’t work for me or if it’s just a delay. It’s annoying.

It’s definitely the game.

Same issue here, though im able to stab (r1) but not slash (r2), had the issue during the training but to a much lesser extent and i bypassed it by button mashing, the fist fight seemed ok but now that im outside the village i cant slash at all. Huge problem when fighting the knights that are patrolling.
Is it worth reinstalling the game? im willing to but only if theres no other option.

That was never my original problem, I couldn’t land any attacks at all, I uninstalled the game and played without the update for some time, onto V1.03 now though I believe

They know it’s a problem but they keep using terms like “work around “ replacing L2 with R2 L2 is a button being USED!! Kick/push. If there idea of a temp fix is to bypass one problem by knowingly causing another then I have to think a bunch of Moronic stupid heads work there I bought a new controller and it’s the same exact issue.

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I have the same issue on Xbox one. At first I could fight, and I quite enjoy the combat system. Now all my blows hit the hair, can’t connect any. Need to be fixed ASAP.

Sad but true NEW CONTROLLER definitely isn’t the fix. But hey atleast i spent $130.00 this week instead of my intended $60.00 for the game. Small victory or big lost i cant really tell anymore.


Switch R1 with R2 then both attacks will work properly

Switch R1 with R2 then both attacks will work properly, it’ll help

I think this is also the problem, because if I push the R2 button super hard it seems to work. Need to bring it in line with other games because this is the only one I have issues with. Thanks!

R2 button still not working in latest PS4 patch. Can anyone else confirm?

Works for me. But wasn’t a problem for me with previous version