Ps4 load Failure

I have played the full game and this has happend for the tenth time i got to buy the DLC from the playstation store come back and “load failure” it sends me to the start of the talmberg seige ffs and now im pissed, how can you create a game where you cant save on demmand ffs then the fucking saves dont then load up its a pile of fucking shit and some dickhead needs to sort it out now.

I have never experienced this issue at all and I have played hundreds of hours. I do delete old saves to keep my available saves around ten.

But I do not distrust you that you have this issue, this game is unfortunately riddled with bugs.

Its so annoying, to think i was about to buy there DLC as well, apparently that brings more bugs into the game so im not getting it. Might try getting rid of old saves.

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I’ve got the same PS4 since release day of them (like 4/5 years ago or whatever) I’ve had a few crashes and reverts back to previous saves, I think it’s the PlayStation not the game, I asked a few friends who have newer consoles and they had 0 problems whatsoever, just gotta live with it I guess, only other game it happened on for me is The Witcher 3 (ps. I got the DLC and the game crashed like once since, I think there’s an extra bug patch)

Yeah i have release day ps4 but di also have a newer one at my other parents house should have played ghis on the newer one.

Wow, guess we console peasants are just doomed. I didn’t read anything about an update in the next few days. Have you tried reinstalling it? That didn’t helped me with my problem but maybe it fixes yours. The only other solution is to write to the support, but they didn’t answer me after a whole week. Hope another major updates comes in a few days, otherwise this game might be dead for me.



En français :

Au début, je pensais que les sauvegardes corrompues survenaient après certaines quetes.
-Qui jette la première pierre
-Celle d Adam.

Au final, je crois que ce n’est pas un rapport avec les quêtes en question mais la potentielle longueur de ces quêtes. Qui implique, si vous êtes accroc auX sauvegardes comme moi, la saturation du nombre de sauvegardes autorisées par le jeu.

Les solutions que l’on m’a proposé ou que j’ai pu trouver reposaient sur la suppression régulière des anciennes sauvegardes pour nettoyer un peu et ne pas avoir à écraser les sauvegardes. Mais ça ne corrigeait pas le problème pour moi.

Le problème des sauvegardes à l’air plus présent quand on reprend des sauvegardes plus anciennes que la dernière effectuée. Difficultés pour les nouvelles d’écraser les suivantes ? Possible.

Du coup :

  • jai supprimé un max de sauvegardes anciennes
  • j’ai upload sur le stockage en ligne.
  • j’ai supprimé les sauvegardes du jeu via la console
  • j’ai download les sauvegardes précédemment sauvegardé en ligne.
  • j’ai relancé le jeu, et les sauvegardes effectuées après la dernière qui ne buguait pas, ne sont plus corrompues. (Pour l instant )

Donc si ça peut aider quelqu’un, je poste ça ici.

Bon jeu


Google translate :

At first, I thought that corrupted backups happened after some quests.
-Which throws the first stone

  • That of Adam.

In the end, I believe that it is not a relation with the quests in question but the potential length of these quests. Which implies, if you are addicted to backups like me, the saturation of the number of backups authorized by the game.

The solutions that I was offered or found were based on the regular removal of old backups to clean up a bit and not have to overwrite backups. But that did not correct the problem for me.

The problem of backups to air more present when we take backups older than the last performed. Difficulties for the news to crush the following ones? Possible.


  • I deleted a lot of old backups
  • I uploaded to the online storage.
  • I deleted the game’s backups via the console.
  • I downloaded the backups previously backed up online.
  • I restarted the game, and the backups I made after last one who did not bellow, are no longer corrupt. (For the moment )

So if it helps someone, I’ll post it here.

Good game