Realistic archery

Ian not question that he is very, very fast. and he can do some impressive things.
But he use Modern arrows and a modern bow,
It is too weak compared to bows used for warfare,
(In one movie he tries to disprove this… by firing modern arrows at a mailshirt made for larping… pretty irrelevant when both bow, arrows and target is not correct)

Using the Beaux tapestry as the sourc for his Idea that shooting with a halfdrawn bow was common, is very problematic.
The Tapestry was made by people who knew nothing about archery and during a time where illustrations was symbolic. and its not a realistic picture.
So yes, it show a norman with a bow. But you can’t conclude that he use a shortbow or that is is fired halfdrawn.
Actually there is no evidence of the use of wood shortbows in western Europe… an idea that is easy to find in books. Longbows was in use long before and long after 1066. (1)

Archery in the game should be based on the types of bows, arrows and the Technichs used in Bohemia at this point. (and not based on what they did elswhere)

(1) Strickland, Matthew & Robert Hardy: The Great Warbow: From Hastings to the Mary Rose.
Gloucestershire. 2005.


I agree with you that most games don’t have realistic archery but most are still fun to play. I thought that FarCry 3 did archery very well. It wasn’t like Skyrim where you’d put 4 arrows in a guys head and he still wouldn’t go down; if you shot a guy in the head, he would die. Also you had to use various sights for different distances. I know that old bows didn’t really have sights and archers would instead know how high to aim just by having the experience, but if KC: D would have similar archery mechanics as FarCry3, I would be happy.
I hope to have the ability to pick up arrows from the ground or from bodies that you have killed. I hate games that treat arrows as bullets making them a one-off. I also hope to have the ability to make my own arrows. Being able to collect wood, goose feathers, twine, and an arrow head and make arrows would be fun. Looting and then later Crafting is one of my favorite aspects of RPGs.

For the people above, I also agree that mount and blade had a good archery system.


I hope that archery will be based on strength stats (finally!) and will deplete stamina pretty quick with a powerful bow (that something Dan Vávra mentioned). You will have to choose between strong bow and less shots and lighter bow, which you could fire for a longer period.

I’m not sure about the strenght though. You defiently have to be strong to use powerfull bows, but strong person who haven’t trained enough could get seriously injured if using powerfull bow as you need to be used on that specific kind of stress.
So strenght is important, but it is also only one of several aspect. And at the end of the day, it is better to be accurate archer with weaker bow than strong archer with powerfull bow.
And since fine motor is closer to agility stat, I hope it will be based on agility, while strenght + skill both will determine what kind of bow you can use and how quickly your stamina is depleted.


Another archer here too :slight_smile: (see my avatar) the animation of drawing the bow that we have seen so far really makes me cringe.
I do hope they improve the system to make it a bit more like how you shoot bare bow in real life, tho as I have found different countries have different methods.
I do hope that you have to practice and train to get the skill and move up in poundage for the bows.
Heh! there could be a whole sub game in being a bowyer / fletcher :smiley:

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As a fellow (novice) Archer. I whole heartedly agree. I have a long bow, love it just have to figure out new modes of transport since my old lift dropped out. Don’t fancy taking a long bow an quiver full of Medieval styled arrows on the bus late at night.

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Should try and balance a compound on the back of a motorbike for fun too, at least my recurve is a take-down and fits in a small case :smile:

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All it should take is good mocap, right? Well, let’s be careful about the archer on horseback…

Yep, the animation in the livestream really didn’t look any good, hope thy at least tweak this. Also, although you couldn’t really judge this from the livestream video, it didn’t really look like the arrow flew ballistic.

As there is probably quite a big overlap between people interested in the middle ages and people interested in archery, I think Warhorse should really take care to get it right (while not making it overly complicated though)

Concerning bowyer/fletcher, my hopes are not very high, they have already made clear that the character is a blacksmith and has thus the skillset of a blacksmith.

lol If I had a car or a bike I would not be worried about transport, hmmm a long bow on a motor bike might just look like some woerd modern version of Jousting.
I’d by my BF recurve from him, he the one that drpped out and beggared up my lift, but he’s pulling at least 15lbs- 20lbs more than me. I’d have to nail the thing to the floor and pull the string with both hands.

I draw about 20lb more than my son, but he draws a good 3" longer than me, I like shooting his bow occasionally as it is slower and softer than mine and quite relaxed.
Some archery pics:

@Prostetnik being a blacksmith then we should at least be able to make new points for out arrows

Treating arrows like bullets in games is not that far off realistic. Given that the character is a blacksmith and could make new heads means that technically you can repair them but an arrow with a soft iron head that hits a hard target will probably not be use-able without at least banging the point straight. And if you hit a soft target like an animal or person there is a very good change the shaft will break unless it is a clean shoot through.

Digging an arrow out of a tree* takes time, finding a lost arrow in a field - even with a metal detector - takes a real lot of time and that is with people watching to see where your arrow falls. This is also using arrows that are brightly coloured to make them stand out from the surrounds too.

  • Also fraught with danger too as a friend found out when his arrow suddenly broke free from the tree and impaled him in the leg. It was the nock end that went in about 5cm into his thigh and I had to take him to hospital to get it seen to.

While it would be amazing to have no cheap indication like pull bar or crosses it might lose motivation if it’s too hard.
Would be nice to have an incentive to train that. I did do a bit of archery in holidays and it’s hella fun , but also really hard to aim at any considerable distance.

But if a bow could stop/ slow / incapacitate a target from one shot , then yah.
What I have seen from the combat is not that impressive. I’ve seen during the live event the guy being stabbed multiple times with no effect/repercussion. Not to mention blood spilling yet the guy does not limp of anything.

Keep in mind during the livestream they were demonstrating in a mode that allowed for a longer fight to show a variety of moves. I do not expect most fights, especially your first one, to go exactly like that at all.

The problem of mount and blade archery is the overpowered accuracy wich is just unrealistic, especially in multiplayer.
But i like the system also quite a lot. I do archery so i know what im talking about :wink:

You can also have look into the"Combat-Preview-Video". . From the 5th minute u can see an archer shooting at a NPC-human and u can also see the target-dot, which shows that the arrows already fly downwards I not sure if the ballistic behavior of the arrow is physically correct but it looks good.

Im agreeing to your opinion on skyrim, but in like mount@blade the bows are to weak, this kind of ruins some of the gameplay when you are trying to be “good” at archery and the next game you suck at it becuase the realism is not even close to IRL, so i hope they do think and do some test before they just throw a bow out in the game. But would there be diffrent kinds of bows maby? stats of course but like “special” bows?

I hope weather conditions are factored in, whether that dot on the target stays or not. There could definitely be trial-and-error if the wind is strong, forcing you to compensate depending on how far away the target is. I wouldn’t expect, for example, to hit something I’m aiming at directly from 50 yards away if there’s a strong wind blowing side to side.

Hui wind- and weather effects on arrows and bolts would be great, but i think it would make a lot of players to avoid using crossbows and bows if the hit rate of the projectiles is to realistic. I trust in the developers that they are able to find a compromise between real physics and arcade gameplay.

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