Sneaking and stealth

I think a game doesn’t need a sepperate stealth mode as long as there are enough mechanics to allow you to stealth.
Basically you only need reduced noise/sight when croching or in a dark spot and the ability to move dead/knocked out bodies. The second feature is something which is in general ignored even by half of the “stealth” games out there. Can’t explain why. Don’t think this is that hard to implement.


Carrying bodies is the fundamental feature in a stealth game


Im not the best at stealth games, so i may be bias.

I wouldnt like to see certain quest be pure stealth, but i also wouldnt mind if it was just another way to complete something.

Since they’re making this game realistic, I think they have enough experience to figure out how to make appropriate mechanics for when you are detected and not detected by enemies, neutrals and just npcs so that you technically can stealth or sneak without going into any “sneak mode” just as IIIMuerteIII said.

I didn’t ment stealth mode, when character became invisible.
More like if there will be any actions in game that will help you remain unnoticed
Or if it will be all about what your character is wearing, if he’s running, his skill level and that’s it.
Basicly how “active” stealth/sneaking should be.

I don’t understand. I thought there are no class in the game. Can you explain, what you mean by that? thanks

Maybe he is saying that we already have a thief class game. Not thief class in this game.

Dan has said in previous updates (and this is in the overview on the homepage) that there are several “roles” to play and go on to list “warrior, bard, and thief”. Think of these as strategies/groups of skills not classes. There will likely be skill development that falls under each of these categories and your progression in those areas will be based on how you play the game. It’s not like you are going to be asked in the beginning of the game if you want to be part of the warrior, bard, or thief “class”, and that will set a unique skill/ability tree like exists in some games.


now I see… thanks

I’m sure, Dan said in the live stream that there are no classes or special stealth moves in the game.

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I don’t think so…it’s not class, it’s playstyle. It’s not class like in WoW, but instead it’s playstyle like in Guild wars 2 (ferocity, dignity, charm)

I think there should be stealth elements in the game, but not so much as to become like a pure stealth game. I think the imitating animals thing is a bit over the top, but that’s just me.

Yeah I was little bit too enthusiastic :slight_smile: Still hope for the rest though.

In the live stream Dan said for sure that the stealth system (which won’t be an actual system on its’ own) will work on situation based behaviour. So crouching will in general give you a reduced noise and sight bonus when you were never detected and/or being in dark areas, while it will draw attention on you, when you do it in crowded places.

I think there was no other information about any stealthing in the existing videos/statements.
edit: I think it was also said that your clothing will be crucial for sneaking. Dark light cloths will cover you better in the dark, while shiny armors will be loud and easily visible.

If the mechanics are proper for having well working stealth situations we would need to know:

  • can we drag/move dead bodies (very essential for stealth imo)?
  • when a guard finds a dead body, will they immediately know it was us?
  • if we kill someone without any witnesses, will someone know anyway?
  • when we use a bow out of a “hidden” spot on an enemy, will the enemy know where we are?
  • will a one hit strike be lethal, when being unnoticed while sneaking/crouching?
  • when beeing detected, do we have a chance to hide again by cutting line of sight?

There are for sure more mechanic for having a nice stealth experience but I think this lists the most important things for being able to stealth properly.


I think it depends on how it’s done, hearing the same fake animal nose all the time sounds annoying. I mean if you start making animal the entire time while sneaking just to be safe that would be horrible. But I do hate the classic ‘what was that?’ when it’s so obvious that the guards have no memory of the last mysterious noise a few seconds ago. If making animal noises were a risk that you take in order to calm a suspecting NPC down with a chance of making it more curious (maybe even depending on the NPC personality) that would be a cool feature.

They can add a special weapon like a rondel dagger for finishing off and assassinating well armored enemies.

You are replying to 3 years old post. I dont think that there will be any changes to existing stealth mechanics.

He’s new at forum. Give him a chance. :wink:

Im not criticizing. Im happy that he is getting involved, its just that people may not reply to 3 years old post. Maybe new post discussing what people expect from stealth would be better.

Maybe, he didn’t know where the displayed date of post and etc… :confused: