(SPOILER) DLC Setup Ending

you and me both

They decided to go back to the Act setup? Don’t know why but I could swear I read somewhere that they dropped it and would be releasing the full game. Either way at least as far as the moddability is concerned we could probably add in the other side of the map without touching the areas that they would work on, if modding will even be possible since they stated they are unsure.

I’m sorry but The Witcher 3 had a beginning, middle, and end. KCD was clearly unfinished and needed more time in development. There’s no way to know if their DLC will be worth it. While working on this for over 2 years they couldn’t find a way to give their narrative focused game a satisfying ending.

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Although I loved what they gave us I am very irritated that I didn’t get to finish, they set us into a build for dlc or new game (part 2). I can’t believe they would set us up like that. Think of it like this we all order a pizza and it was going to be a great one but when finally get the pizza you open box and half of the pizza is gone. It was very disappointing on how the game ended.


Yeah I am pretty dissapointed that they decided to do that. Hopefully we wont have to wait another 3 years for an act 2.

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I feel the exact same way, the ending was such a bummer, it really just ruined my whole experience, since it was built up as if the story was going to continue, with that big ass cutscene at the end, and how the guard tells you you’re “nobility” now, I thought maybe I can rebuild Skalitz and rule it with my newfound father, but no, you ride off into the sunset. This game could’ve set itself apart from other RPGs and actually gave you a reason to play after the so called “end” , yes it gives you the option of doing side quest but I don’t really fancy hunting a few hares for some random guy or gathering flowers for a herbalist or robbing some nobles for 50 groschen. For God’s sake look at the quest you get at the end of the game, I know it been there since the beginning but it comes back when you complete the game, “Avenge your parents, find Sigismund” or his full nane which i forget lol, and also another quest telling you to find Istvan


This game i so good! It’s so awesome, and the best story I seen in many years. But I totally agree with u guys, that the ending broke me down… It gave u a false feeling that the real game were about to start and finally the knights vs knights battles were infront of you, time to save the king and reunite bohemia etc… and poff… gone :’(
Really hope the continue the story


I found that toward the siege it was just heating up and as I kept up with the trailer I thought the story would be much longer, however I still quite enjoyed the story and hope to see the story carry on in a very large dlc like the witcher 3 or dragon age origins. Thou I believe they will be added much future content in the later months of this year and so on. Thou I am slightly annoyed that I didn’t get any vengeance and the damn sword back, hopefully I will get my revenge in a large dlc.


Okay i think we can predict how the future of the series will be set up. Sigismund wont die until 1437. 34 years after the game. In-fact he becomes king of Bohemia in 1419 and reigns till he dies. He does release Wenceslaus in 1403
though, same year as the game, (wiki doesnt say when) so that could be the next big goal. So my theory is that sigismund isnt really important or at least he wont be the next big bad. SO who will be you ask? Markvart von Aulitz, the guy who kills your parents. guy who the game tells you have to find and kill alll game but never get to do so. any thoughts

I feel the same. I really hope that a proper ending comes as dlc or a large patch. I mean in Mass Effect, you destroy the reaper and there was a conclusion to that story, but alluded to a sequel. In New hope, they blew up the Death Star and got awarded. Witcher 2 had a definite ending to that story. You really can’t completely cliff hang on your first outing. Loved the game otherwise minus some issues in the late game, and that most of the combat took place in the main quest.

Game was always going to be done in acts, the first one was going to end with runt battle and second one with how game ends now. They decided to combine it but there’s still an act left. And acts were supposed to be released 9 months apart so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see but I’m optimistic😄

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I think it will be soon because the game enjoys dropping subtle hints and at the end Capon says, “and I feel you’ll get [your revenge] soon,”

Ok that’s why I always felt the game was about to end when doing that first part, plus probably why you couldn’t loot anything after the first battle

Yea I the runt battle was more of an epic finale then the talmberg battlr but oh well. Yes and hans and Henry are on their way to Trosky castle now

so based on my research in my last comment, i think we might just get a new game. Something similar to what fallout 3 and new vegas did, same engine, graphics, models and design just in the shape of a new game that might come out next year or in 2020

i think that maybe new game will be for later in Hussite wars like you are referring to. “Acts II & III: You will be able to download Act II or II & III of Kingdom Come: Deliverance if and when they are released. We assume that it will take us nine months to develop Act II and further nine months for Act III. Please note that we cannot guarantee developing these Acts; while it is our best intention to do so at this moment, circumstances beyond our control may force us to alter our plans.” This quote was taken before they decided to launch the game with both acts 1 & 2. I think it might take more than 9 months, maybe a year, but I think there will still be an act 3 expansion for the current game. Have you finished the game kingoftk?

Yes. Maybe we will go see Jan Hus himself. I hope he is like Godwin. But the Hussite War doesnt official start until 1419. This will be were the nobles of Bohemia official fight Sigismund. So unless we have a 16 time jump between or in the games i think a second game (like a me2) will be against Markvart von Aulitz. Who knows we might even just not caring about revenge. Prehaps we will be rebuilding Skaltiz and learning how to manage land. As Radzig at the end there is more to life then just revenge so we might just end up playing a game about being a noble.

Since at the end of this game Hans and Henry ride off to Trosky castle I think we can assume the next act will take place there. And I also think that the next act will focus on Markvart von Aulitz. I have a thread talking about it here if you’re interested Act II Discussion - MAJOR SPOILERS
Maybe after we tie up everything with Markvart and the sword we will skip to the Hussite wars or the year 1416 since that is when radzig dies in real life, more about that is in that thread

nevermind about skaltiz everyone. it was used for parts to build a church so no dice.


The game will maybe even continue into the Hussite wars and the five crusades that the Pope sends into Bohemia