(Spoilers) Unable to give cockrel potions to bernard


I’m at the Siege quest right now and Bernard asked me to get 60 Potions for the soldiers (cockrel potions).
I found the herb-woman who taught me how to brew the potions.

I decided to brew all the 60 potions myself and now the quest is asking me to go to Bernard and give him the potions but there is no dialogue option to give him the potions and i definitely have the potions in my inventory.

This is not the first game breaking bug i encounter in my adventure and this feeling of missing a good quest is so frustrating…

Any idea on how to fix this bug ?

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I’m not sure if you’re supposed to do that, meaning I’m not sure if Bernard is “quest-triggered” by 60 potions. Just go to the herbalist slightly west of samopesh, and she will brew the “keg” for you (you just have to find her the necessary herbs). But if you WANNA do it the “hard” way, not sure if it can be helped…

The quest says i have to give him the potions and the marker is on him.

when i talk to the herbalist, i have no option related to the quest, i can only buy things or train herbalism.

The first time, she gave me the recipe of the potion but she also told me that she couldnt brew that much potions and that i had to find another way to get the 60 potions, so i decided to brew everything by myself.

I brewed all the 60 potions and now the quest says “Give the potions to Bernard”.

I tried to talk to him at different times of the day, i even tried to talk to the other “main” characters (Lord Divish, The Engineer, Robard…), nothing triggers the achievement of the quest.

The quest seems to break when you brew the potions by yourself…

I just hope there is a hotfix coming in the next patch.

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I’m afraid you just need to order it by herbalist, wait until it is done and then to collect the keg. I was also thinking about brewing it myself, but then I persuaded the herbalist located north of Sasau.

Yep, not a bug, you cannot do them yourself. If you read the quest it says she has to make them. You have to have high enough rep with her for her to do it too, and only one of the herbalists will do it, the others just say no.

As tos said, it HAS to be the herbalist just west of Samopesh (or north of Sasau, same one). The other herbalists won’t brew the keg. But I also believe you when you say that the marker is on captain Bernard. A broken quest is nothing new in this game. There are literally tons of them… Just try reloading an earlier save, and just visit the herbalist to the west of samopesh… If the option for brewing it herself is not displayed, try raising your reputation with the herbalist by buying some stuff from her while overpaying (haggle, and then pay more). Other than that, I don’t know another way to help you in progressing with the quest.

i brewed all 60 my self, i went up to bernard to complete and well it worked weird and he didnt take the 60 cocks outta my inventory. i still have them and i passed siege. i got an achievement for it…
i had more then 60 in my inventory when it worked for me, you may be right.

Try having more than 60 in your inventory, 61 would do. works for me. There’s somebody who share this method before.


Can confirm, 61 worked for me, thank you!

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