PC master race!
Does some one call Christian @DrFusselpulli private yet to solve this question? This is important! He will understand this…
he’s probably partying with warhorse staff
And this is what happens if you open the hidden storage of KC:D beer the day before release and give access to it to the entire development team. One wrong click there, another there, one spilled beer in the only backup of the game source code and the next day after waking up you find out you sent out living horses instead of swords to the top tier backers.
And that is why you leave the drinking and celebrating for after the release.
You better be vaping bro
hahahaha, this gave me a great laugh
plz give me some MB
Because of Steam I cannot install it from the disc. Wherefore do I have it on discs?
Wow. "You’ve reached the maximum amount of messages a user can send on his first day blabla"
fml Let’s just hope they change it back
To show superiority to the filthy digital peasants. And to have the action figures to play with in the hours leading to the release.
Very funny. There are other people with disc versions without having backed as well. What about them?
Actually you can install steam games from the disc… you just have to download a few GB patch data
So if your DLspeed doesn’t exceed your harddrives speed, you should still be better off installing it from the disc.
Well, how do I get the real game than? I payed for it about a year ago.
Available: 14 February
This game will unlock in approximately 1 day and 2 hours
For me
After I started the had setup application it started Steam and it uses the internet to install/download it. For the test I ejected the disc and nothing changed. It’s not from the disc.
If you have the beta you must be a backer so you can login here
and there should be your key or a steam activation button visible
hmm. well yea, thats fucked.
Here are some people whit floppy Version… When we get the package of discs?
notice what?