Summary of Quests in Alpha (0.4) WIP

Ok, I will play it and then update it here. Thanks, man.

No Problem… :sunny:

There is one more quest:

A place to rest

Only after finishing Quest: Easing the pain (wounded soldier)

NPC:Martin (soldier in Kolben’s estate)
(Herb woman has helped Miroslav, but in the end he died.)
Talk again with Martin (Miroslavs friend).
Issue:He needs a grave.
**What´s next:**Dig the grave and return to Martin.
Reward: 5 groschen.

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Yep forgot about that. I’ll add it later as I am on phone. So do not despair :smile:

Reward: A horse (“Louis”) or 100 groschen…(with bug you get both) :blush:
If you want the horse, you must visit Ludmila´s man on their farm.

**Reward:**Farmer 8 groschen or Blacksmith 10 groschen

Reward: 60 groschen for every (right) ear

Maybe it´a bug or the wine/bier opens the mouth of Lešek: :wink:
Simply go in the evening to the tavern and talk to Lešek.
First you can´t buy anything in his “shop”. Leave his “shop”. Talk again. Now you can buy the gauntlets.

**Reward:**Money and Strength(points)

Jerry–> Questname/questlog: Sick Bastard

Wounded soldier --> Questname/questlog: Easing the pain

Sheep --> Questname/questlog: Lost sheep

Noisy soldier–> Questname/questlog: Damsel in distress

The deep–> Questname/questlog:Our little house in Kuttenberg

Keys–> Questname/questlog: Lost Keys

Hammer–> Questname/questlog:Troubles in Smithy

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You are great help, I have not yet had time today to look into it more, so thanks.

Confirmed! Works with 18 spc level. :smiley:

wounded soldier(Help the soldiers)–> Questname: Medicus

great, could you give some specifics what hapens next?

Not a big thing… :smiley:


such detail
much pictures

Your documentation is much appreciated.

Super nice topic? Quick question I’ve few quest but I’m not able to speak to any character (from the quest) anymore. is it possible to be blocked like this?

thank you, but its old. Though a lot of quests work in beta but bit differently.[quote=“iceberg, post:33, topic:23899”]
Quick question I’ve few quest but I’m not able to speak to any character (from the quest) anymore. is it possible to be blocked like this?

this is known issue which was reported several times ( but unfortunately there is no fix for that just yet.
Anyway, starting new game should help, and if not, deleting all saved games should definitely help you get rid of that.