The †roll Cave ®™

Found this when looking up muslim memes.

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Have you ever heard one of them scream? Its fucking terrifying. Theres that lives near the town i used to go to school at and its the size of a bengal tiger.

im afraid the deadliest thing in the UK is a fucking squirrel so no i have not heard a puma scream :stuck_out_tongue:

the classic British squirrel



amongst the unfunny jokes he tells the truth


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watch the whole thing

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Yeah as he lives in a gated community and has round the clock security guards who are armed with guns. Not to mention most of the “gun crazy ass holes” are most likely vets who fought so he could sit up there and run is mouth.

has your home ever been attacked or broken into ? do you feel threatened in your home or in the street ?

Nope a lot of people own guns in my area :smile: These people didn’t do this because they felt threatened it was meant as a protest and he gave them publicity. Also i would rather buy a gun before i got robbed or attacked rather than buy a gun after,

why does the fact you own a gun make you any safer ? my house has never been broken into , neither has my parents house i dont own a gun neither does my parents , so does that rifle make you any safer than me ? no not really

so you agree they are just idiots then ? no one needs to carry a assault rifle with them to pick up a take away , its just ludicrous

You dont wait to drown to put on a life vest. I feel safe and secure knowing if somone broke into my house that i could defend myself.

If they are being safe i really don’t see the problem they are obeying the law and these people aren’t the kinds of people that commit gun crime. Sure the media will swarm over this and show this as an example that gun owners are dangerous. But where are the cameras in Chicago or Detroit where people are killed daily by illegal weapons mean while innocent people cant buy weapons to defend themselves because of the gun bans.

i can also defend myself , so why are you any safer ?

You have nothing but your fists or a knife to defend yourself with. If someone ever broke into your house armed with a knife you may be able to fight them off being ex military. But me and most other ordinary people are not trained in hand to hand combat. Even with your training im willing you would have slim odds against an attacker with a knife. So if somone broke into your home what would you rather fight the attacker off with? Your fists or a gun?

so you think its normal to for a group of heavily armed men to patrol the streets ?

thats because having parts of the nation no gun zones dont work , you either do the entire nation can own guns willy nilly or you put gun restrictions on the entire country otherwise there is no border making sure weapons are not entering a restricted area .

for example , there is nothing stopping someone buying a gun in texas and driving to chicago and shooting a load of people then driving out . but you could buy a gun in texas and drive into say canada and shoot a load of people or texas to europe , because there are border controls that ensure such weapons are not available in these areas

id make sure i locked my doors

no but seriously , if someone stormed into your house right now with the intention of killing you and stormed in to you i bet he would kill you before you had a chance to react , so you’re no safer than me .

i would have more chance fighter off someone with a knife than fighting off someone who had a gun