The †roll Cave ®™

Would be a shame if any boar would get hurt… don’t you think? :slight_smile:

Well they are like rats in the U.S you Europeans unleashed them and now they destroy everything no matter how many get shot :wink:

Invite them! :smile:

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Surly you wouldn’t want this in your back yard would you now? :smile:

Or this


Do you have Bigfoot in Germany or the Czech republic @snejdarek and @TobiTobsen ? I dont think so! :sunglasses: @TheDivineInfidel do you have Bigfoot in the U.K i dont think so!

countries with Bigfoot>countries without Bigfoot.

no because we are mentally stable people in europe . who dont beleive in such crap :slight_smile:

how could you not want one of them in your back yard

No you just have people that believe in a magical fucking dinosaur that lives at the bottom of a lake :stuck_out_tongue:

you could tame it and ride it to the shops . you would pick up so many bitches

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but there scottish people . the romans blocked them off for a reason .


Seriously though Bigfoot’s real. But those fucktard finding Bigfoot people think that by screaming in the woods at night they will find one.

ohh come on enough with the drugs man

ohh my god im so excited

I dont do drugs. I actually do believe in Bigfoot

@McWonderBeast :wink: Actually everyone should watch this and learn about the dangers of drugs. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

my 1000th forum post !!!

i would just like to dedicate this post to my family and friends for all their support during this adventure of mine .
this is surely the peak of my KCD forum career.
im not a man of many words or speeches but this really brings a tear to my eyes .

@TobiTobsen its ok tobi no need to thank me for all the great work ive done around here i already feel your appreciation but a mention in the next update and a sword would be perfect . :slight_smile:
even you @YuusouAmazing for that beautiful ban you placed on @SirWarriant really tickled me in them hard dark days . you’re the real MVP . :slight_smile:
and @SirWarriant , @snejdarek thank you for them many long stupid pointless arguments i feel we made a difference to the world from our position here on the forum . world changers for life .

thank you everyone . may you all die peacefully . :slight_smile:

truly beautiful .

step to my posting level @SirWarriant

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Oh this is awkward i already reached 1000 posts a while ago. Im currently at 1,200 Step up to my posting level :sunglasses:

talking rubbish it says you’re on 772

That ban… I had to watch as you posted again and again and again. I was powerless to argue i couldn’t do anything.

it was beautiful . as i stomped you while you was down . again and again and again . ripping your nation apart with no response :stuck_out_tongue:

The worst days of my life… A month long ban for saying retarted was a little excessive in my opinion.